Monday, May 4, 2009

How women can stay skinny & healthy

In a recent article published in May 2009 issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Women who breastfed over 12 months consecutively were significantly less likely to be obese or to have hypertension. This was a big study too! almost 140,000 women. Now with all the known benefits to breastfeeding… Why don’t we sink some $$ into supporting women to be able to nurse their children for at least a year. Can you imagine the amount of sweeping positive social change we would have. Healthier kids, healthier moms…. Oh and it would save a ton of cash not having sick kids and hypertensive obese mothers. This would absolutely change the US health profile in a generation. The ad campaign would be PSA’s promoting the economics of breastfeeding and we could call it the weight loss solution of the new decade. Where’s my trumpet? We need a call to arms for all mothers!!

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