Monday, June 22, 2009

New Product that will help you lose weight- Irvingia

There is a new product out on the diet product industry that may help you lose weight with a good diet and exercise. This new amazing product is Irvingia. Irvingia is a new ingredient that comes from a nut in Africa that will help suppress appetite, burn calories, and burn the fat when combined with a good diet and good excercise. The formal description of Irvingia from Wikepedia is described below:

Irvingia is a genus of African and Southeast Asian trees in the family Irvingiaceae, sometimes known by the common names wild mango, African mango, or bush mango. They bear edible mango-like fruits, and are especially valued for their fat- and protein-rich nuts, known as ogbono, etima, odika, or dika nuts.

The subtly aromatic nuts are typically dried in the sun for preservation, and are sold whole or in powder form. They may be ground to a paste known variously as dika bread or Gabon chocolate. Their high content of mucilage enables them to be used as thickening agents for dishes such as ogbono soup. The nuts may also be pressed for vegetable oil.

The fruit is a large drupe, with fibrous flesh.

The trees yield a hard wood, useful in construction.

A traditional food plant in Africa, this little-known fruit has potential to improve nutrition, boost food security, foster rural development and support sustainable landcare.[1] Irvingia has been shown to significantly reduce body fat in obese subjects versus placebo. [2]

In October, 2008, during the fifth annual Functional Foods for Chronic Disease conference in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Dr. Julius Oben, Head of the Laboratory of Nutrition and Nutritional Biochemistry at the University of Yaoundé, Cameroon, revealed the latest clinical evidence on a recently developed extract from the seed of the Irvingia gabonensis fruit, also known as bush mango and ogbono.[3][4]

Dr. Oben was performing epidemiological studies in African tribal populations when he noted that people in a certain region had low incidences of obesity, diabetes, and related diseases. Exploring further, he found that they use irvingia paste to thicken soups an average of ten times per week. This led to the development of a concentrated extract that stimulates fat loss while promoting healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels.[5]

Leptin is a hormone that inhibits food intake in people of normal body weight by reducing the hunger signals from the brain. However, obese individuals often produce so much leptin that their cells become resistant to it. A patented irvingia extract was shown to improve leptin sensitivity, so the test subjects felt less hunger and ate less. The extract was also shown to increase the levels of adiponectin, a hormone secreted by fat cells that promotes insulin sensitivity. When more blood sugar makes its way inside the working cells, less is delivered to the fat cells for storage. Adiponectin has anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular benefits as well.

Irvingia Plus

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