Recently I blogged that food advertising is such a science that the average customer has no chance of being able to stop eating high sugar, high fat foods.
Whether you are watching television or walking in a mall, companies are able to get you to salivate for their food. They persuade you to spend good money on food you do not really need. If it ends up making you sick, it will cost you more in healthcare dollars.
It amazes me when I see overweight adults and children waiting in line to give their money and health away for a bag of fried, high fat, low nutrient, poor quality food. Most people in our society are in a trance brought on by millions of television commercials and other forms of advertising where we can’t say “no”. What chance does a mother have to say no to that burger and fries when her kids have seen a scientifically put- together commercial to get them to purchase this food?
There is no easy solution except other companies need to come up with healthy foods and advertise just as much and educate the public. Over time, if enough companies began to produce food that is made with good fats, low sugar, more fiber and more nutrients, maybe the public will shift their focus and start waking up from this nightmare that overweight and obesity has unleashed on us and our children.
Ultimately the change will have to come from the public; they have to decide if they want to be a healthy weight or a sick weight. If they keep spending their hard earned money on poor quality food, these companies will keep making them. If the public begins to be more demanding and buy less food, these companies will not have so much money to advertise. They are using our own money to sell us unhealthy food. We are paying for our own demise.
Dr. Sass
Sasson Moulavi, M.D., LMCC, ABBM
Medical Director Smart For Life Cookie Diet
Follow me on Myspace and Facebook
Today I went in and weighed in early because I will be out of town for the new year. Well I am down 8 POUNDS. For a total of 12 pounds lost since I started the program in December. This is the most weight that I have lost in a single month and all I had to do was change the way I ate and stay on program. I am proud of myself that I have accomplished this and this accomplishment will keep me motivated to continue losing weight even into the new year. So hurray for 2010… Im going into it 12 pounds lighter and happier for it.
A Journey towards Renewal, Reason & a Really Awesome Wardrobe.
Dec. 30, 2009
Here I am again, in a panic. Sheer alarm. It’s the end of another year & I am a another year closer to 30. Don’t get me wrong…it isn’t the age or the numbers screaming in my head when I think of it, but rather the position I’ve placed myself in, so far, in the muddle that is known as my life .
Currently, I am:
-29 yrs old. I have 8 months and 2.5 days left until I smack into my 30’s w/the grace of a gazelle or the sting of a wasp.
-a college non-graduate.I won’t even get into this. It just makes me batty thinking about my lack of progress.
- 332 lbs, the last time I checked (which was a week ago-up 15lbs from 2 weeks before that. This is also up 100lbs from the lowest weight I reached on a nationally broadcasted tv show several years ago…a story for another day.)
-a diagnosed, dr. supervised, medicated crazy person, who also has high blood pressure, migraines, thyroid issues, hormonal issues & joint problems…aaaaand insurance that runs clean out in 36 hours.
-has the good fortune of being able to say that I was a graduate of a local looney bin in the past year…and it only took me a little over 48 hours, grrrr.
-unemployed, with the exception of a few odd jobs that highschool teenagers could manage & sucking the tit of the gov’mnt unemployment benefits system, to my daily horror
- single & seeming to everlastingly stay that way, due to my complete lack of being able to
- the owner of a 1-eared cat, who is my only worldly possession & soul-mate so far & who doesn’t show signs of brilliant health on the horizon-ps…I own nothing else besides my ’03 Dodge Neon that has almost 145,000miles on it and is deteriorating by each simple word I type
-oh, yea, and almost $60,000 in debt
…any questions so far? If I wasn’t born nuts, I sure would be after all of this. Just re-reading this list makes me wanna jump off of something that has more than 7 stories…just so there is NO chance of me surviving, and then having those medical bills and p.t. to add to my self-made dibacle.
BUT moving forward, I am getting it together. My 30th birthday is on August 31st, 2010. I plan to have changed the majority of these bullets by that time, and also aquire a mighty fine closet full of clothes to fit my thinner ass in, by then, as well. Should I have started sooner? Sure. Would it have been more poetic to have begun on my last birthday? Absolutely. But just in my usual style, I didn’t.
So, this year & this here, is my journal. This is my mechanical conscience. This is my electronic accountability. My power-driven 2010 life in written & on display.
If people read this, I will be pleased, because I have enough problems/issues that most can relate to some of me & my messy existence…and GOD willing, find some shred of motivation from my plight. However, if no one reads this, I’ll pretend it is swarming the online masses, book editors are searching for my phone number as I type & Oprah is fighting Barbara Walters for my 1st interview. (ps I’m kidding about Oprah because I’ll never make it on her show no matter what…we’ve crossed paths, in a matter of speaking & no doubt would she NEVER give me the time of day now. Stay tuned.)
Anyway, come along with me, or not. Not sure how this will go, but come hell or high water (ps I don’t really understand that expression…does that make me stupid? Ah, shit, I don’t care.) I’ll complete, at least this blog. I’ll let you know the ups & downs, even when you’re screaming at your computer screens “TMI! TMI!” (too much information-my mom’s favorite saying). Nothing to lose at this point, but weight & bottled up frustration…thanks for stopping in.
its been about a year since i posted. and a lot has changed. rather than spew a bunch of random thoughts, i will update about my whereabouts in the past two years over time. but i can say this now, with relief, i am a mother now.
i have been on the emotional rollercoaster of my life. it has included death, dying, illness, and now life and love. needless to say things have gotten better for me and it has taken a lot of work.
when i started on this journey, i found blogging very helpful so i decided to once again write about things that perhaps are better left of unsaid-or perhaps not that important to be said, given the challenges that the world and humanity are facing, but they are important to me and perhaps important to some else out there.
im now at point of my life where i can begin to enjoy life. where i can will all authenticity possible say that i have everything anyone will ever want but i find myself worried about a topic that many women do-and that is weight loss.
over the past two years i have easily gained about 40 pounds. since the birth of my child, i have gain about 20…that is right, i have gained weight since the birth of my child.
this morning i weighed myself and i was 201. this was more than i weighed when i was 8 months pregnant.
so with this i begin a journey of weight loss that will help me be happier still and enjoy that goodness that is before me. my goal is to lose forty pounds in one year.
It’s almost year end and time to make those New Year’s resolutions again. I’ve had the same weight loss resolution for the past 20 years, y’all. I’m so predictable. I started 2009 the same way, and ended up gaining 20 lbs. Shit happens.
So I fell down. Big deal. The important thing is that I’m getting back up.
I’ve worked out on my Christmas present – the wii fit – for 3 days straight. My husband gets a kick out of watching me doing the Hula Hoop by gyrating my hips. What a perv. It’s even funnier when he does it in nothing but his underwear! Good luck getting that image out of your head now.
To motivate myself further, I’ve decided to join in a little friendly competitive weight loss contest with Dual Mom’s Lose it Bitch Challenge. It seems there may be prizes involved, and I’m all about winning some stuff. So if you want to participate, head over and get the details at her blog. Anyone is welcome to participate, but I’m gonna win.
Well, maybe.
I need to get my ass back to the real gym at some point. They keep taking money out of my bank account every month. I suppose my feet should cross the threshold every once in awhile, just to get my money’s worth. I’ve been slacking since before Thanksgiving, and it’s evident from the shrinkage in my jeans. It makes me sad to think about buying a bigger size. I have to do something about this. I’ve come too far to give up now.
Bunny didn’t go to her Weight Watchers meeting tonight.
She and Buff went away for the weekend and had gotten home late last night, so she was tired, she needed to shop for groceries, fix dinner, unpack and do a couple of loads of laundry.
She also needed to get gas when Buff called to tell her he was taking her car the next day. He would have a conniption fit if he found out she was driving on fumes.
He hates that.
No, she wasn’t up to the it’s-not-good-for-the-engine-to-drive-on-less-than-a-quarter-tank speech, and she wasn’t up for her Weight Watchers meeting either.
So, she dutifully went to the market.
That’s where it happened.
A bag of Crunchy Cheetos jumped into her cart!
And then into her paper-not-plastic bag.
And then into her car.
It was gone before she finished the five-minute drive home.
She’s baaaaacckkk….
Chasing after Bunny wielding one of her top-five trigger foods!
Why did she fall victim to this attack? Because she was tired? She wasn’t hungry. Would this have happened if she had gone to the meeting? What do you think?
These unexpected attacks are something Bunny has faced her entire life. There she is, happily in control of what she’s eating, and all of a sudden she turns a corner and BAM! She’s smacked in the face by a bag of Cheetos, a Butterfingers or a slice of chocolate cake.
We must move forward. Control must be re-established at once.
Pardon us while we go chase after Bunny with her Weight Watchers points calculator.
Continuing with my earlier theme of the ABC’s of Health, I’d like to shed some light on the importance of beliefs – a vital component for making meaningful lifestyle decisions and creating lasting change with those pending New Year’s Resolutions.
I’m very confident that you’re still thinking about them… After all, we have less than a week to complete our 2010 list of transformational behaviors that will catapult us into that altered state of euphoria… Btw, are you still with me on this quest?!?… I really hope so, I’d really like to work with you to create the right context for these shifts that you’re seeking to make in your daily behaviors, as well as your overall health status.
Based on my personal experience, the ABC’s of Health are what drive lasting change in our lifestyle. They are as follows:
• What is your “Attitude” regarding change?…
• What are your “Beliefs” about your health, and?…
• What is your “Commitment” to changing your lifestyle?…
This week’s post will focus on the second of those ABC’s: “Beliefs.” (Three guesses on the next blog’s focus…) As noted previously, if our attitude is the lens through which we see and perceive the world, then it is our beliefs that solidify and create our reality. It may come as a surprise to learn this, but we all have a tendency to see what we already believe to be true. This is the reality of our professional interests, our political choices and positions, and most importantly, how we approach our personal health. Said another way, “We are what we believe…”
I recently completed what I regard as one of the best books on our beliefs about our health, Counter Clockwise by Ellen Langer, Ph.D. In this deceptively small, but very powerful book, Dr. Langer, a noted psychologist at Harvard University, has redefined the field of psychology with her groundbreaking research and insights on “mindfulness,” the “social construction of reality” and related topics that have a profound effect on our perception of aging and our overall health status.
In one of the early key passages, she makes the following provocative observation: “If our beliefs have influence on our well-being, surely we can learn to influence our beliefs. To begin to do so, we must make a critical choice. We must choose to believe that we have control over our health.”(Emphasis added.) In my humble opinion, this is the bedrock issue for making changes in our daily behaviors that lead to improved health status.
If, however, we don’t believe, at a deep level, that we have that control over our health, then regardless of how sophisticated the nutritional regimen is, or regardless of the degree of intensity of the exercise protocol, we are simply working against ourselves at a very fundamental level. And despite what you may think, this “conflict” in our beliefs and our actions is far more prevalent than you might think. Let me share a recent case study to highlight this.
One of the little known facts about heart disease is that 50% of all people who have heart attacks, in fact, have low cholesterol levels. (Did you know that?!?…) Well, it’s true, despite what your doctor and what Big Pharma ads may be telling you. But our contemporary (and I would stress “temporary”) belief is that cholesterol is not good for you, especially the “BAD” cholesterol. (A topic to be furthered explored in a later post…)
In any event, I was with a colleague recently who was coaching a client on their diet. The discussion turned to the importance of fats in her meals, and her client became concerned and said, “You can recommend anything you want, but don’t try to take my Lipitor away from me… I’ve finally gotten my cholesterol down and feel much better for it…” And no doubt, she does feel better. But it seems reasonable to ask: Is it the Lipitor, or her belief that this pill is making her better? And this kind of mindless devotion to medications is happening millions of times a day across our country. And yet, study after study continues to prove that placebo’s are completely effective anywhere from 1/3 to 2/3 of the time. It’s not always the drug – it’s our belief in the drug!
Based on this premise and my coaching experience, I have developed another two-minute test to assess “your level of belief.” This test is more directional than statistically tested, but it is intended to assess just where your beliefs are and just how much they may be affecting your health status. Outlined below are 10 quick questions (as well as a scoring key) to assess your “belief quotient,” or said another way, how in control are you of your health?
(The scoring is: 1=Strongly Disagree; 2= Disagree; 3=Neutral; 4= Agree; and 5=Strongly Agree)
1) It’s genetic, I’m predisposed to contracting my ancestors’ illnesses _____
2) I’m getting older, it’s only a matter of time before I get sick, too _____
3) The medications that I’m on are what’s keeping me healthy _____
4) I am afraid to eat any “fats” for fear of clogging up my arteries _____
5) I monitor my cholesterol levels regularly and keep them low _____
6) When I get seriously ill, I never seek a second opinion _____
7) I expect to get at least one cold each year _____ I worry about getting the flu each season, especially the H1N1 _____
9) I have at least three or more good friends, or family members
who are dealing with challenging health issues _____
10) I routinely think that every minor ailment is something very serious _____
Now, just like before, please take a moment and assess your beliefs about taking control. Based on my client experience, if your score is near or above 40, it’s likely that you lack sufficient belief in your ability to take control of your health. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that if your response to just Question #2 is 4 or 5, then you have a very self-limiting belief in your ability to stay healthy, despite your age. This may seem harsh, but it’s true.
Don’t get me wrong. I know we’re all eventually going to die. But “age” doesn’t stand for “a grueling end…” How we see ourselves and our aging process is a major driver in the development of symptoms and health conditions that affect our daily lives. A bit disorienting, I realize, but please read this wonderful book if you have doubts.
One of the more provocative findings from Dr. Langer’s research is that individuals who seek a “second opinion,” are less likely to have poor health as profiled on CDC surveys of health status taken across the country. It seems that your degree of engagement in your health, as evidenced by seeking the advice of several consultants, is very much good for our health. Hmmm…
And as for Question #1 regarding genetics, well, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., in his book, The Biology of Belief, profiles numerous research studies that have proven that it is our environment (our beliefs, our thoughts, our physical environment, etc.) that triggers and defines the actions of our genes, NOT the genes, in and of themselves. He likens this blind belief that “genes drive everything” to suggesting that it is your car key that controls the direction and speed of your car. Without question, the key is vital, but we all know it responds to an external stimulus to “turn on.” And so do you, at a genetic level.
The point of all this discussion is to underscore the vital importance of taking control of our beliefs and being mindful (i.e. being aware) of just what our expectations are as they relate to our health. Without supportive and health-affirming beliefs, we will simply sabotage our efforts to pursue healthy and sustainable lifestyle change. And that’s a fact.
Forgive me for upsetting the applecart, yet again. I know you’re anxious to get started with that “diet” or “exercise plan,” but the more you do to strengthen these ABC’s of Health, I’m certain the more successful you’ll be with your New Year’s Resolutions. Gaining mastery over your “health beliefs” is critical to creating a powerful context for that new level of health and well-being that’s sought.
Thank you, again, for taking a few moments to “size yourself up,” and for reflecting on what might be driving your current health beliefs. And as unsettling as it may be to see this in print, just know that the new you is “all in your head!”
A 5000 year old practice provides the missing link to the weight loss plan. Celebrities and top athletes do it to succeed. Find out how it can work for you.
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Health care professionals generally agree that people that have a BMI of 30 or greater can improve the health through weight loss. It is especially true for people with a BMI of 40 or greater, that are considered extremely obese. A weight loss of 5 to 10 percent of the initial body weight can do much to improve health by lowering blood pressure and other risk factors for obesity-related diseases. The method of treatment depends on the level of obesity, and readiness to lose weight. Weight dominate is a life-long effort, and having realistic expectations about weight loss is an central consideration. Individuals that were previously considered overweight and obese individuals are encouraged to capture 60 to 90 minutes of exercise a day to sustain weight loss.
List of Literature
100 Days of Weight Loss, Linda Spangle, 2006
Daily Word for Weight Loss, Colleen Zuck, Elaine Meyer, Janie Wright, 2001
Dr. Shapiro’s Picture Perfect Weight Loss Shopper’s Guide, Howard M. Shapiro, 2001
Recommended Links Aerobic Exercise and Weight Loss Fatty Weight Loss BlogLoss Weight Loss Help
Tags: weight loss plan weight loss weight los risk factors lowering blood pressure lose weight health care body weight blood pressure
Like every one else I know, and don’t know, I have had my fair share of new year resolutions over the years - but looking back – I DO NOT REMEMBER EVEN ONE such resolution in any great detail. I also DO NOT REMEMBER even one time when I cried “Eureka, I made good on my new year resolution”.So what is with people (I am part of the “people” too? Why do we keep doing it?
There are a bunch of reasons why I think it is a bad idea to begin with. Weight loss is, I suspect , every living and dead man’s and woman’s and animal’s usual resolution come January the 1st.. So let us see how well this goes.
It is December 12th – and I start my vacation. I already know that my new year resolution is to lose a hundred pounds off me. But new year is 3 weeks away – so I don’t have to worry about it quite yet. So I could still have all the meat and rice and potatoes and cream and so on, and not feel bad about it. So by the time new year’s land – I am heavier by few more pounds, and have practically ensured that I will never make good on the resolution.
What the heck? I still make the resolution. I start paying a hundred bucks every month to the best gym in town – believing that if I am paying for it, I surely will be doing it. And I do start strong – I take the private lessons, I religiously do 30 mins of cardio and 30 mins of weights for four days a week and so on. And the 100 bucks covers my wife (if we do it together, we should have higher chance of making it succesful) and child care for my kiddo. So I am set up for success.
This goes well for a few weeks…and then . Yes, you guessed it right – I still like rice and meat, and I still hate exercise. I go to the hotel gym to find the lone treadmill in use. Ah well..I could walk a mile and get the same exercise. Except I don’t want to walk – it is too hot, too cold, too windy, too dark – if only mother nature gave me a break. Not to despair – I go back home in a couple of days, and can always make up.
So there I am at the gym – only to learn that my body does not respond kindly when I switch to greater weights and longer times. So, I don’t push it – and by february – I go to the gym twice a month, but still pay them a hundred bucks every month.
Oh but stop – you have to cut down on your food too. You have to take a holistic ( who made this word? it rings true with hole…not Whole..) view to weight loss, according to the Rambo like guy on TV who inspired me. You also need special blenders to make you healthy smoothies.
I can buy that – it is pretty logical. So I measure calories on every darn edible thing I dare to even look at. I stick to portion control religiously – to the extent that I dread lunch and dinner time. Lets cut the miserable story short – you guessed right again, it does not work. I fall back to larger portions of the stuff i like.
As part of the weight loss campaign – I also bought a new weighing scale. And every week on Saturdays, I weigh myself and write it down. This is a very depressing way of starting my weekend most times. occasionally, it brings a smile to me – when I have lost 2 pounds. Although my head says that it is because I didn’t have much fluids on friday – my heart makes me believe that it is because of 10 minutes of extra cycling I did at the Gym.
Weight loss resolution at new year’s time is just an example of such bad ideas – weight loss by best friend’s marriage, training puppy to make it a canine good citizen in 3 weeks, running boston marathon next year – so on and so forth, are all in the same boat.
I have some theories about this, and I am going to try these for myself.
1. Aim small – Miss small : You can probably lose 1 pound a week for next 3 weeks. But this is not a scalable goal – so do this 3 week thing and reset your goal, rather than aiming for 50 pounds in a year.
2. Our strengths are in different areas. The gal who cannot lose enough weight to run the Boston Marathon, might have sufficient strength to get through college in the next year or two. Find out what your strength is – and achieve that goal. Success breeds success – so if you are succesful in something you are good at, then you can use that adrenalin rush to help you with succeeding in something that you are not all that good at.
3. Variety is the spice of life – so do a variety of things in life. This is the hardest to do. We all have an inertia to stay with status quo. Try to get over it, and try something new – cook something new, walk a trail you have not tried before or teach your dog a new trick. And don’t worry about success – this is just to break the monotony of daily life. Success is just having the ability to try. I am particularly bad at this – so this is something I am seriously going to challenge myself .
So let’s do ourselves a favor – and make a new year resolution that “We won’t make any new year resolution” !
A New Way To Lose Weight Revealed By Ladies Of The East!
Author: sean sandvik
To try to lessen the bad feelings of being called fat or overweight, we tend to use lesser dreaded and offensive words such as “larger size” and “big” instead of plain “overweight” and “fat”. But it took just one comment from a buddy friend, a nurse in the local hospital, to bring home a deep truth. She said, ” In my entire life working in this hospital, I have yet to see a fat oriental chinese lady”, referring to the patients she has seen seeking treatment in the government hospital.
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Of course, it is not true that there are no fat oriental chinese ladies in the world, because fat and overweight are universal issues affecting all races and cultures, irrespective of skin and color. But is there a health secret coming from the Orient that makes the chinese lady generally slimer and slender?
Indeed, recent discoveries in Japan showed that a type of chinese tea called the Okuma’s Wu Long tea together with a healthy diet and exercise revealed that people who regularly consumed this tea experienced over TWICE the calorie-burning results of those who drank the same amount of authentic Japanese green tea. Drinking this Wu Long tea 15 minutes before eating carbohydrates also helped blunt the rise in insulin that normally comes after eating food that contained a lot of carbohydrates. As carbohydrates causes weight gain by increasing insulin levels, drinking this tea helps to control weight gain.
Like other teas as well, Japan’s Shiga University of Medical Science found that drinking Wu-Long tea also daily dramatically clears up skin eczema within just one month, and helps in reducing free radicals, and lower the risk of infections such as the common cold.
Indeed, in the ancient chinese pharmaceutical book “Bencao Shiyi “(The Compendium of Materia Medica), it is said that tea “will make one live long and stay in good shape.” Tea, particularly the oriental Wu-Long tea that comes from China’s Fujian Province has been used by countless generations of ladies to help melt away body fat, boost energy and even clarify the skin, and these newer scientific discoveries in Japan seem to indicate that it is possible to drink away pounds of unwanted body fat and loose inches from the waistline.
Teas are just a form of natural supplements to help in weight management and fat loss. Taking a supplement to assist in weight loss is just one prong in battling weight and fat, but it is necessary to have a healthy diet and to maintain a program of exercise at the same time if we are to continue to keep the extra weight and fat off our bodies. Therefore, selection of a good supplement, having a balanced diet and having a fitness program will go a long way to get your weight down.
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Article Source: – A New Way To Lose Weight Revealed By Ladies Of The East!
Today is Christmas Day, and it is a very special day for Christians. This is the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It is a time to spend with Family and Friends. We get caught up in the gifts and the entertaining, that sometimes we forget the true meaning of the season. This is the time when Jesus became Human. He is God with us, Immanuel. He chose to leave Heaven and to come to Earth, to be born into Humanity, to live and grow as we do. Experience what we experience, be tempted as we are tempted. To love and to hurt. How it must have grieved him to be separated from God the Father, and from the splendor of heaven! And yet, he went through it all, living here amongst us, and chose to die for us. What Love he has for us, much as God the Father has for us.
My favorite passage has been Romans 8:28 “All things work together for good, to them that love the Lord, to Them that are called according to his purposes.” It gives me courage to press on, even in something simple as weight loss. I realize that even if I slip this hour, there is another hour to make a better choice. I may not always feel great about the choice I made, but I try to do better. Today, I definitely made some bad choices. I ate way too much sweets, and in the process made myself sick. I’ve already planned what I’m doing tomorrow. I’m mostly having Juices as I feel way too full from today. Over all today, it was a wonderful day. I was able to spend it with my family and enjoy their company.
In our home for Christmas, we open our presents one by one. We watch the person opening the present and we admire the gift. I really enjoy this way, as everyone sees what you have, and it takes more time to get through the gifts. Making the time spent together more enjoyable. You really get a chance to see the reactions of your family as they open their gift and you can really share in their joy. The gift of giving is really what this season is all about. On that first Christmas, the greatest gift of all was given from God the Father, to the World. Jesus was born to us, to be our Saviour. That is the greatest present I ever received: God’s Love, Jesus’ Sacrifice, and My Salvation.
Worked out this past Saturday with my wife. We did the following Turbulence Training workout.
Intro Level Workout B
All of the exercises are done in superset or circuit fashion.
Warmup A) Lying Hip Extension 2×5
Warmup B) Kneeling Pushup 2×5
Warmup C) Stability Ball Leg Curl 2×5
1A) Step-ups 2×8 / side
1B) Stick-ups 2X12
2A) Stability Ball Leg Curl 2×8
2B) Kneeling Pushups 2×8/side
3A) Prisoner Squats 2×10
3B) Side Plank 2×10 secs / side
That was followed, at least by me, with Beginner Interval Workout B.
Minute by Minute Type Perceived Intensity Level
1 Warm up 3 out of 10
2 Warm up 4 out of 10
3 Warm up 4 out of 10
4 Warm up 5 out of 10
5 Warm up 5 out of 10
6 Hard 7 out of 10
7 Hard 7 out of 10
8 Easy 3 out of 10
9 Easy 3 out of 10
10 Hard 7 out of 10
11 Hard 7 out of 10
12 Easy 3 out of 10
13 Easy 3 out of 10
14 Hard 7 out of 10
15 Hard 7 out of 10
16 Cool Down 3 out of 10
17 Cool Down 3 out of 10
18 Cool Down 3 out of 10
19 Cool Down 3 out of 10
20 Cool Down 3 out of 10
I don’t recall how long the total workout was. Today I did Intro Workout A and Beginner Interval Workout A. The details are the same as in a previous post. I did the strength portion in 18 minutes. Took a two minute break and then did the intervals on our stationary bike. Total time 40 minutes start to finish. Next workout Sunday the 27th but I will do some walking each of the next two days.
I just finished my breakfast of an orange, an apple and a double handful of raw almonds. I’m currently icing my knees so they won’t give me trouble later.
I got to my evening WW meeting tonight and was surprised to see my BOSS standing there! He had a present for me: THIS, poster sized, in a big frame. I was… overcome. Really.
(no, it’s not a REAL WW magazine cover, he did it in Photoshop! – what talent, right?) But truly I can’t even express what this means to me, on so many freaking levels. And if you don’t know the significance of this image, read this post.
This week I talked a few times about how on Facebook, there’s that “Year in Facebook” collage app, and it sort of summarizes your 2009 FB status updates. One of the very first updates I wrote in 2009 was: Need to lose weight for medical reasons. I’m scared. I need company. I remember what a frightened, sorry state I was in. But I put it out there. I started this blog. And, as they say, the rest is history.
Boy, see what happens when you put it out there? Did I ever get company. I’m truly overwhelmed with gratitude for this year.
Anyway, speaking of The Big Cheese, his blog post for this week is really funny and yet REAL and true, and what makes WW work at its essence. Having a good time. Planning. Making choices. Being intentional about all of it. And not feeling remorse for indulging, when that indulgence is intentional. He really, truly walks the walk as well as talks the talk. I printed out and read this post at several of my meetings this week and not only did members laugh, I think they really GOT IT.
As a coach who specializes in stress management, it is usually quickly apparent the types of issues that cause clients stress. Many stress triggers center on weight/body image and job/career or finances. As such, stress is most easily handled and managed by dealing with the root causes of it.
If weight loss or career management are areas of concern that could be leading to increased stress, please access these e-books to begin a New Year and a new you off right!
In case you missed reading it I had THREE parties this weekend, all of which had copious amounts of food or alcohol, or both! But since I am so determined NOT to let the Christmas season hurt my weight loss, I came up with a game plan. I let myself eat the cookies and drink the cocktails, but skipped out on large meals. Yeah, it’s probably not the healthiest plan, but its only for a few weeks and its better than eating the cookies AND huge home cooked meals! I mean by no means am I starving..ha! Far from it, I just chose to eat small amounts all day long and not actually eat meals. None the less it paid off and my weigh-in tonight went a little something like this…
SEES -2.4!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay! I lost 2.4 pounds this week! Holla! that puts me at 65.8 pounds lost! And only 8.2 pounds away from my goal on the Weight Watchers scale, and 6.2 pounds away on my scale! That means I have to lose 6.2 pounds in 11 days…hmm. I don’t know about that. We will see. Mr. Gaunt says I should actually just haul my ass to the gym and I could probably drop those 6 pounds easy. I may have to buckle down and do this. If I can lose 2.4lbs in a week NOT going to the gym, then I might be able to do 3 pounds in a week working out. Ok I have to get ready for bed, just wanted to share the good news.
Me (in purple) at my friend Kristin's going away party!
So I was thinking about my body…and I wanted to see just how gross I look. so i put on a bikini. It was horrible. and the fact that i ate this moring made it that much worse. I’m gonna start trying it on whenever i feel like eating. just to remind myself of what i’m adding to. it was so fucking gross you guys. I just have fat EVERYWHERE!. I used to love my back and the way it looked. i have fucking love handels!!! I’m so disgusting. i think i’m gonna take a picture and make it my desktop image so i know what I look like all the fucking time. I’m not eating. if i start to feel hungry i’m just gonna look at the damn picture. ugh!!!! I hate being fat! After seeing that I don’t even want to eat. it’s just nasty. like all I can think about is that I look like that because of food and that is just sad. I should be at 105. but becaseu I couldn’t say no to fucking food. I’m still a fat ass. no more food for fatty until i’m thin. I want to go so long without food that i forget how many days i haven’t eaten. water. water. water. that’s all i need. that’s all I wan’t. water doesn’t hurt you. water makes your hair pretty. your skin pretty, and water doesn’t make you fat. Thank God for the miricle of water. i’m going to go take that picture now. ugh! I don’t even want to see myself anymore! I just want to wake up and be perfect. Skinny, and beautiful you know. there are so many more things to do than eat. i need to get my cell phone back on. if I was Texing a buddy all the time i’d never eat. i think that’s what i’m getting for Christmas anyway. i’m gnna ask just incase. i need constant support. constant reminders of why i’m doing this.
Healthy Weight Loss Tips for 2010
Dr Barry L Marks, Chiropractor Orange, CA
Weight Loss Tip for 2010
Its that time of year where most of us will over indulge and then scramble to clean up our act and resolve to lose weight for the New Year…only to fail before February hits.
Rather than jumping on a fad diet bandwagon or doing my grandma’s favorite weight loss program she calls “The Green Bean Diet” ( she eats nothing but canned green beans until she’s lost the weight she wants), try making a slight modification to your diet that is easy, healthy and proven to lose pounds.
One hidden element that can help you lose weight, be stronger and healthier and is oh so easy to consume…
Yes, calcium has been proven to help you lose weight, and in particular belly fat. Who would have thought that? Studies have shown that women (yes, men can do this too) who consumed 1,200 – 1,400 mg of calcium daily had shed over 60% more body fat than those on a low calcium diet. Even more exciting is that the study at Purdue University found that the women on a high calcium diet also lost belly fat twice as fast as those on a low calcium menu. Another study found that two 8 0z servings of yogurt a day lowered blood pressure by 5 points and cut hypertension risk by 20%.
So the question is….how do you get enough calcium in your diet?
You could just pound down calcium supplements, but as with all diet advice, I believe in variety and eating a normal healthy diet. There are so many tasty foods that are rich in calcium to choose from so it shouldn’t be difficult.
Here’s what I recommend:
1. Take a Calcium with vitamin D supplement daily in split doses; 600 mg in AM with breakfast, and 600 mg in PM with dinner.
2. Add 2 servings of dairy products to your diet each day
But what if you are lactose intolerant?
Here are dairy products low in lactose that may be tolerated:
Greek style yogurt or Kefir
Hard cheeses
And here are non-dairy foods rich in calcium:
Calcium fortified orange juice
Collard greens
Enriched rice or soy milk
So, if you’re interested in slimming down and getting healthier for 2010, try adding at least two servings of calcium rich foods and a calcium supplement to your diet each day.
8:30 a.m. My dad had to drive me to work because my car is out of commission!
Breakfast: Raisin Bran and a diet energy drink
10:06 a.m. It has been very quiet. No one is really working and the server is acting up. I have to finish some subscriber numbers today before I can go home.
Lunch: Small bowl of soup, a slice of pizza and tea. One of my co-workers took me to work as a good-bye. I am leaving my job on Wednesday and begin my new job on January 6, 2010.
1:26 p.m. I have finished my work for today. I need something to do.
3:22 p.m. One of my workers showed me a video from the 1970s when some beach authorities blew up a whale that had died and washed up on the beach. It was hysterical. I haven’t laughed that hard in a while. Friday productivity.
Busy with shopping, Christmas party, traveling, family-I understand. That’s why we’re making it easier than ever to plug in and get some information about the 24 Day Challenge!
On Monday evening (Dec. 21) @ 8pm EST, attend this 20 minute webinar from the comfort of your home. Out of town, now worries-connect from wherever you’re at on a computer or your smartphone.
All you need to do is go to this link and Register HERE. You’ll receive a confirmation email and have a space reserved to take part in this 24 Day Challenge Webinar. You’ll see who the 24 DC will not only get you the results you’ve been looking for, but it will maximize your 2010 New Years Resolution goals. After the webinar simply get in touch with me if you have additional questions or to order your 24 Day Challenge so that you can get started the first week of 2010.
I am really honored that a Hospital Clinic in New Jersey has offered me to implement “Super Body, Super Brain” Fitness Program for local residents, patients and Hospital Workers. The Program will start in late January:
The program will include:
-Individual assessment (balance, coordination, strength, motor skills, reaction speed, sensory) and health measurements: (Body Weight, BMI, Bloor Pressure, Resting Heart Rate, Body Fat and more)
-Every month: Workshop and seminars regarding brain functioning and fitness
-Once a week ‘Super Body, Super Brain” Fitness Class
-Monitoring report every 4 weeks
-Online and email support.
I can’t wait to start this great project and I will keep you posted with quantifiable results!
What is Super Body, Super Brain?
Human performance trainer Michael Gonzalez Wallace has developed SUPER BODY, SUPER BRAIN a progressive exercise program that combines balance, coordination, and strength training with a super-quick circuit of multi-tasking movements that challenge and improve both your muscles and your brain in just 10 minutes a day.
Release Date: May 2010
Michael Gonzalez-Wallace: Harper Collins Author Website
Author Upcoming Book “Super Body, Super Brain” Release Date: May 2010
My LinkedIn
Do you want bigger breasts? Do you think exercise might give them to you? If so, here’s a true story that might interest you. (Of course, we asked permission to print this story for you, and the names are changed to protect privacy).
A young lady asked me this, regarding exercise and fitness personal training. Her question was “If I train with you, will my breasts get bigger? Will they lift themselves up, become firmer and fuller like they used to be when I was younger? Truthfully, I hesitated momentarily, before answering this one. Yes, I really wanted to motivate her, as well as gain her service as a new fitness client. And, I also wanted to stimulate her existing desire to re-kindle her fire and passion for exercise. My greatest personal satisfaction comes from seeing other people improve themselves, especially when their benefits come from advice, education, suggestions, and/or training techniques that I have brought to them.
Could You Use A $1,000 Wal-Mart Gift Card?
However, my ethics are much stronger than my desire for profit. Ethics in the diet, exercise, and personal fitness training industry are an extremely valuable commodity. They denote character and intent to provide quality service. Therefore, I smartly hesitated before answering the young lady’s question. I could see the look in her eyes. She may have wanted me, as a trainer, to say, “Yes, of course your breasts will become larger, firmer, and fuller, just like they used to be. All you have to do is exercise.” The truth, however, is quite surprising and perhaps contrary to your probable expectations.
As I began to research the subject, “natural breast enhancement,” many truths became obvious, almost instantly. Of course, you find your most immediate replies from Internet sources. Members of the general public, many of whom have no accreditation, formal education, or long-term training expertise, are free to create such highly opinionated responses. Although these individuals (and some small businesses, too) may mean well, they simply lack accuracy, especially in the art and science of conducting skilled research.
Now, let me tell you what I noticed right away. Upon my first query on natural breast enhancement, several web sites displayed conflicting information. For example, one site said that herbs, minerals, and vitamins would cause a woman’s breasts to enlarge. The next site said that “exercise” would boost breast size by at least one “letter.” A third said that “nothing” would help because genetics alone determined breast sizes. A fourth claimed that wearing pressure clamps all day long would increase breasts by at least two cup-sizes.
As you might already see, the offerings, replies, and suggestions included various alternatives, methods, and techniques. There were suction and pressure devices, creams, encapsulated hormone products, immune system “enhancers,” nutrient supplements, etc. A few sites even boasted about “special secret exercises.” (Of course, you had to pay first before they told you what these unique, new “special secret exercises” were, if any.) The exercise science industry says nothing about “special breast enhancement exercises.” This type of information is only hype. Don’t buy into it. Stick with science. Stick with accredited information sources. Maintain your knowledge through licensed, formally trained professionals. Especially, deal only with specialists who maintain high “ethical” standards.
You may be interested to know this. Here is the basic outcome of a comparison between the various natural ingredients associated with “breast health.” These ingredients were different from those that claimed to increase “breast size.” If you are a candidate for such products, you must be meticulous about the phrasing of such descriptions. There’s a saying on the Internet that, “You have to already know what you want, before you can find it.” In other words, asking for “breast health” gives you different results than “breast enhancement” or “breast enlargement,” or even “natural breasts.”
For example, properties of nutrients claimed to exert “anti-cancer” functions. Still, others were reportedly claiming to make the breast expand (or, at least “appear” to) swell in size. Certainly, you could rationalize the following. Some nutrients do indeed tend to protect your cells from deterioration. At least, there are some that may offset the formation of cancerous cells. This, however, does not automatically mean that the tissue will appear larger and/or grow bigger. When you refine your “purpose,” you are more likely to find something that can provide you with a satisfactory solution.
Do You Want the Bottom Line on “Natural” Breast Enlargement?
There really is “nothing” available and practical that will give you such results. The only thing that possibly comes close to achieving this for you is the “pressure clamp” concept. That is, you wear pressure clamps all day long for about 20 to 30 days non-stop. Surely, you can see how many people cannot arrange the time for such an activity. Convenience is certainly a factor that affects you. And, can you withstand the discomfort of this type of breast enlargement technique? At least, this idea has some merit, but it’s still not your most practical and achievable solution. Now, consider the following.
In a “natural” way, nothing exists that will actually make your breasts firmer, fuller, or larger. You can, however, protect the “natural health” of your breasts. Additionally, with exercise, you can naturally increase the size and strength of the MUSCLE layers BENEATH your breasts. These muscle layers (called “pectorals”) can give you a slightly more firm appearance. This is true only because the muscles themselves become more firm, NOT your mammary glands. In reality, breasts consist of fat tissue, not muscle. Fat can seldom be “firm” to the touch, and fat is hardly likely to give you a firm, solid appearance.
Now, “think outside of the box” for just a moment. Returning to our original story line, the ironic thing is that the woman you read about already possessed very large breasts. Thousands of “decent-sized” ladies would “kill” to have what she already has. However, the feeling that your breasts may not be nice enough also comes from other facts. Your surrounding body parts can also lack THEIR proper shape and symmetry. Your overall fitness (including body fat ratio, flexibility, strength and endurance) may be poor or below average.
So, here’s a breast enlargement/enhancement/health solution that you can count on, virtually, forever. BECOME TOTALLY FIT. For example, with the woman you read about above, reducing waist size would conversely increase breast size appearance. Do you understand how this works? In exercise science, there is something called a “waist-to-hip” ratio. It measures your cardiovascular risk as well. However, with an excellent waist-to-hip ratio, your body “looks” good, too. In other words, reduce your waistline to enhance your upper body stature, appearance, and appeal.
Next, there is your “body composition.” This is an approximated measurement of the amount of fat you carry in your subcutaneous tissue layers (immediately below your skin’s outer surface). This is a ratio of the fat to muscle your body carries. Via practically any combination of aerobic, bodybuilding, endurance, toning, or strength workout activities, you can remarkably enhance your body composition. This, in turn, enhances the size of your waist, plus the shape of your torso, and consequently, the appearance of your breasts. Therein lies your “breast enlargement,” the “natural way.”
It’s time to train your way into a more pleasing appearance, and a higher level of stamina comes with it. It’s a win-win situation for you, without medical complications, and with no negative side effects. Help “nature” take its course by helping your body do what it is supposed to do – that is, to PERFORM. Call your trainer or weight management specialist and get more information. Then, step into higher gear with enjoyable and effective diet, exercise, and fitness physical activities. Your breasts will say, “Thank You.”
Could You Use A $1,000 Wal-Mart Gift Card?
About the Author:
A Battle of Great Proportions: The Fight Against Obesity learn the facts 7 Contributing factors
But I did it to myself. I went to 5–count ‘em, 5–holiday parties this week, and though I did a decent job not stuffing myself to the gills like I might normally, there are only so many cookies, candies, pigs-in-a-blanket, spoonfuls of jello salad, fried won-tons and cups of hot chocolate your body can take before it shows up on the scale.
In fact, the more I think about it, the more pleased I am that with 5 (did I mention it was 5) holiday parties under my belt, I only gained 1 pound!
So in a way, it’s a triumph! Though I’m still several pounds away from my goal, and we’re leaving for Utah tomorrow.
My mission on vacation is simply to RETAIN MY CURRENT WEIGHT. This is going to be very, very hard. I need some coping strategies, because on the one hand, it’s vacation for heaven’s sake — I want to enjoy it. On the other, I really don’t want to lose all the ground I’ve covered over the past few weeks. Any suggestions?
Ugh . . . today, I wasn’t able to stay on schedule. I woke up late and didn’t workout until 7pm. In the evening I get really lazy, I always need to get my workout done in the morning. Since it was late I did no toning L. Hopefully, tomorrow I can stick to the plan. I was able to stick to a proper diet, yeah! I’m also proud that I was at least able to do more than an hour of cardio.
Around 7pm I was on the treadmill for an hour, burned 300 calories walking. It usually takes me a week to begin a run/walk program on the treadmill. To burn more fat it’s better to run & walk on the treadmill making the workout unpredictable. When you do a mixture of running and walking it tricks the body. I always watch tv while on the treadmill, it’s more entertaining. Later on, I used an exercise dvd.
Leslie Sansone 30 minute Walk is one of my favorite dvd’s because it’s strictly cardio. There is no toning involved like other exercise dvds. It’s difficult to set up your on workout when the exercise dvds incorporate toning in the exercise. The problem is exercise videos target only a few specific muscles, like it could work on tricep & biceps but not shoulders and chest. The 30 Minute walk is a great alternative to using a cardio machine or taking a aerobic class at the gym. When I first borrowed her dvd, I thought it would be a waste of time, but you really do get a good workout. Whats great about this dvd is the 30 mins pass by so fast, you don’t even notice you did 2 miles. Sansone’s workout videos don’t have the typical perfect looking models; there average looking people with different body types. I own at least 5 of her dvds. As weeks pass, I will use her “more advance” videos,
This is the schedule I would like to follow
“Losing Weight Schedule”
Eating schedule: 7am(breakfast), 10am(snack), 1pm(lunch), 4pm(snack), and 7(dinner).
Workout schedule:
6:30-7: treadmill
8:30-9: treadmill (treadmill workout must be no less than 300 calories)
9:30-10: Cardio dvd
10:30-?: Toning with resistance bands, dumbbells, exercise ball etc.
Mon/Wed/Fri: Lower body
Tues/Thurs/Sat: Upper body (includes back, sides, etc.)
I’m still researching on whether it’s healthy to do ab work everyday since muscles need at least a days rest. If anyone knows anything let me know.
Till tomorrow
“Yes, we love peace, but we are not willing to take wounds for it as we are for war”-John Andrew Holmes
You know you are out of shape when your fat hurts. I decided to try an aerobic dance routine I found on exercise tv on demand, it was called Cheryl Burke’s Disco Abs. About 10 minutes in I found myself praying for cardiac failure. I use to do an hour and a half of cardio kickboxing and now I just got my ass handed to me by the “celebration slide.” WTF!? My fat, skin or whatever hurt so bad. But, I did the whole thing! I may have cursed and wished for a power outage and/or death, but I did it! And, I felt great after a shower and 20 minutes of groaning on my bed. I feel way less gross.
I needed to do some physical activity after being confined to my bed all weekend after a biking accident. With the help of pain killers and modified movement I was able to work up a good sweat. I followed the routine with some yoga stretching and now my shoulder feels so much better. So a word to the wise – If I can do exercise half-crippled, anyone can!!! No excuses.
Even though I was having the worst sweets craving I managed to avoid my routine trip to Baskin Robbins. Ice Cream is my kryptonite! But, I have to give the stuff up. I realized I had a problem after I returned from a recent 2 week vacation and the BR guy told me “What happened to you? I was worried!” I have to fight the urge and notify the BR staff – I don’t want them filing a missing person’s report.
What makes it even worse is that Baskin Robbins is right around the corner from where I live and the S.O.B. is open 24 Hours! Oh what a cruel world we live in!!!!
Let’s hope I make it though the night without any sleep walking episodes.
Let me tell you about the AD-36 adenovirus. Adenoviruses are the same nasty bugs that cause the common cold. We all have these viruses in various forms in our body all the time.
That last bit is a critical distinction.
Remember that.
The Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana has been doing some really ground-breaking research on AD-36. AD-36 affects stem cells… more specifically fat cells, both pre-formed and post-formed.
This means AD-36 can make MORE fat cells if contracted as an infant and make your fat cells larger if contracted as an adult.
Or so the theory goes.
To quote the study:
“Earlier researchers have concluded that Ad-36 may be contributors to obesity by super-charging fat cells to grow and store more fat. Until now, though, those researchers thought the viruses targeted pre-fat cells (called pre-adipocytes), causing them to convert in higher numbers to fat cells and causing those fat cells to be larger. Those studies were in mice. Pasaricas work determines the virus targets stem cells in humans.”
The result?
“In one test, a third of obese people had the rare and highly contagious virus compared to just 11 percent of thinner people. Weight gain can last three months until the body has built up resistance to the bug.”
Wow. Sounds like we have a winner here. A virus that you can catch that literally makes you gain bodyfat! All we need is…
a vaccine!
First of all, notice that 11% of LEAN people have AD-36. And at any given time, just like a cold or a flu virus, you could contract AD-36. If your body has ‘never’ been exposed to it, you may require about 3 months to build up antibodies to ward it off.
Now, you can gain a lot of weight in 3 months… but come on. You cannot become obese in three months unless you are really, REALLY working at it.
Plus, like most viruses, you build up immunity to AD-36. Researchers do not know how long the immunity lasts, but some theorize it could last years… some even decades.
And let’s not forget those 11% who are lean and have the virus.
Why did they not all of a sudden get “sick” with bodyfat?
Because they are not EATING or LIVING in a way that allows them to gain bodyfat no matter what nasty freakin’ viruses may be floating about, that’s why.
That’s right folks: It is always going to come down to the food we put in our body and the way we move.
Here’s another hypothesis presented by Sherry Strong, food philosopher and nutritionist: “This could very well be the result of nature creating a mutation to encourage us to eat more due to the fact our consumption of natural, whole and organic foods is so low.”
Brilliant observation… and one tha makes complete sense.
Even if a “virus” is responsible for 20% of our weightgain, what about the other 80%?
We do not need a vaccine other than good food and a common sense workout plan.
Here’s the best – ; <— the "vaccine" for bodyfat
Here's why I love this workout:
1. It's fast. 7-14 minutes 3-5 days per week. Anyone on earth can do this.
2. The Basic Upgrade (you will see it) still comes with a copy of my book "The Every Other Day Diet." Put the two together and you have an absolute winner of a plan that's practical and enjoyable.
3. Plus, anyone who owns "Every Other Day Diet" gets my upcoming "Radical Fatloss Blueprint" book freee. It comes out March 1st.
That's 3 good reasons to go here and check out 7 Minute Muscle… ; <— the "vaccine" for bodyfat
Here's one more:
You know better.
You know that there's never going to be a magic pill for health, vitality, energy and looking your best.
We can keep hoping… or you can take action and get what you want now.
To me, that makes more sense than AD-36 "Super-Retro Fat-burning Vaccine" to hit the marketplace in 2021.
So, back in April I decided to make a switch from various supplemental products bought at a store which I had been using for years, to AdvoCare Nutritional products. I got started on the 24 Day Challenge thanks to a friend sharing the product information with me. I lost 19 lbs in 24 days and went on to lose a total of 29 lbs in 2 months. I found energy I had never had and feel the best I’ve felt in many years.
Those results, my belief in the products, company and marketing plan, all allowed me an opportunity to share AdvoCare with others looking for similar results. Over the past 16 years AdvoCare has been continually growing. On December 28 on ESPN, we will be the title sponsor of the AdvoCare V100 Independence Bowl where Texas A&M & Georgia will face off. AdvoCare is on the verge of becoming a household name and you can be part of it. Experience the results you’ve been looking for in your nutrition, health and energy levels. Learn about the opportunity at your finger tips to earn a Full-Time income working a Part-Time Business. I went from working for $30,000 a year at a 40-50 hour a week job to AdvoCare, where in less than a year AdvoCare will be paying me $76-80,000 a year working Part-Time!
The opportunities have never been greater, even in this horrible economy. Come sample and learn about some of our products and the opportunity that currently exists within AdvoCare. I promise it will be a wise investment of your time. It may or may not be for you, but it won’t be a waste of your time. Before you leave, you’ll know if it is right for you. For me, it was a matter of realizing that If I changed nothing, nothing would change. I couldn’t expect things to change that I continued to tolerate! (media link) (opportunity link)
You’re invited to a Special Event in in Mishawaka featuring guest speaker, Andy Hosier. Andy and his wife Mandy are the most successful distributors in Indiana earning over $100,000 per year Part-Time. 1018 woodhouse drive *mishawka, IN 574-876-6886
There is no better time to “Check things out” and “Kick the tires.” Skeptical? So was I. I soon found that I should gather facts myself and that those who were telling me negative things weren’t going to be paying me every two weeks to listen to their beliefs! I’d encourage you to get the facts for yourself and then make a decision. We look forward to sharing the product information & the opportunity with you!
All the available weight loss protocols are worthless. Yes, the most effective method of weight reduction is here. Calorie shifting may be the newest method in this field, but it has gained a lot of attention from all walks of people and from people around the world.
Vigorous exercise along with eliminating stress can bring about a reversal, significant weight reduction. Vigorous exercise does stimulate efficiency throughout the body. It is why it is vital that exercise is begun gradually and increased gradually. Following is a basic low-impact exercise routine that people can do at environment.
Upon all of the following exercises, be sure to do the repetitions steadily and evenly, with some tension in the limbs.
Rapid Weight Loss
Diet Pills Has Taken Its Place in Weight Reduction and Plays a Vital Role is filed under weight reduction.
I am so thankful I started M’lis Products. I am having to pull my jeans up and rolling them at the waist! Everything is getting so huge. I haven’t measured lately but I will before the first of the year. It is a great feeling! Now to get through the Christmas Holidays without cheating! I can do it!
The first or second week of January I plan on doing another 3 or 4 day Detox! I always feel so great after doing it!
Getting ready to have a Garage Sale so I can sell some of the large clothes and even my shoes!! That’s right even my feet are smaller. They have lost all that extra fluid. I love seeing my ankle bones again!!
I found a new product I love! Wildtree I am so excited! They have seasonings and sauces I can use on my diet. If you haven’t tried their products…… you are missing something! Be sure to click on the Product Profile Card Link so you can read the ingredients as some contain sugar and corn. A big no no when you are on Candida Diet.
The estimated date of arrival is TOMORROW! Yahoo, my BodyBugg should be here tomorrow. Oh, thank goodness. I know it sounds really dumb, but I’m excited. I’m excited at the opportunity for more accurate numbers.
I’ve been using SparkPeople to track my food consumption and *ahem* lack of activity. I’m trying to get into the mentality of limiting my calories right now and so far so good. Don’t get me wrong, really, I’m learning how quickly a little tiny brownie or an extra helping of someones delicious pot luck dish can throw your daily calories over the top. But, that’s GOOD.
I’ve also instituted my “pregnancy” diet. Haha, you might ask, what the heck is a “pregnancy diet?” Well my friends, my pregnancy diet is alcohol free. During both of my pregnancies I ended up loosing a ton of weight (less my second pregnancy, but I wasn’t as overweight to begin with). And, I can only attribute it to one thing, I stop drinking all alcohol. Okay, I’m being realistic here, I’m not totally cutting out alcohol, as I know that is unrealistic. I LIKE beer and wine, and it’s CHRISTMAS time for goodness sakes, I have an obsession with Holiday ales. And, a fortunate or unfortunate reality is that both sides of the family are lushes, and so we drink – a lot – over the holidays.
But, I’ve cut out any alcohol mid-week. I’m allowing myself to have a few Friday-Saturday nights, but Sunday through Thursday are officially no booze days. And, over my Christmas holiday, I’ll allow myself to enjoy a drink here and there when I’m visiting my husbands family. But, I’ll have my BodyBugg strapped on to keep me on task, and I’ll have to be accountable to every drip and morsel I consume, and that’s a GOOD thing.
Unfortunately, the weather here is just beyond COLD, unseasonably COLD, right now. I’m admitting to being a wimp right now, and I’m not going to work out in negative temps. I’m also justifying it by saying, hey these are lifetime changes you’re implementing, so take one step at a time and food is the biggest culprit, so let’s begin getting a handle on that and then add activity. Sounds good right? I know, deep down inside it’s just an excuse. But, again, it’s not really irrational either.
Did I mention I’m so dang excited for that little piece of technology to arrive?
I’m pretty frumpy tonight (combination of grumpy and frustrated). Let me share with you why. Nothing major by itself, but collectively make frustration. The worst part is I know it’s all in my head. I also know exercise will quickly cure my blues. Still, knowing and doing are entirely different things. Just ask anyone who is or ever has been overweight.
I haven’t exercised since Saturday. It’s not that I haven’t had time. I even cleared an area on Sunday in the living room to have a place to workout. I just can’t seem to get motivated to actually start, not even one of the short 20 minute video workouts. I know I’m lazy. I know I need to exercise. I just don’t have the gumption to get out of the chair.
Last night I went grocery shopping for salad fixings and fruit trying to clean up our diet a little more. Our resolution not to eat out until our anniversary in January didn’t last long; we went to Subway yesterday after my husband had 2 court hearings over deadbeat tenants. However, I had oat bread instead of cheesy herb. I had honey mustard instead of mayo. I had turkey ham instead of club which also has bacon. I had plain Sunchips instead of my favorite cheetoes. I did have a chocolate cookie though.
Today’s eating started off pretty good. Breakfast was cottage cheese and applesauce. Lunch was tomato soup and a slice of cheddar. It is hard sticking to No-S when it comes to soup, especially tomato. I like a second bowl, but was good and didn’t have one. Then a friend brought cookies. I had a big mug of hot cocoa and 2 cookies Dinner is a small piece of teri-chicken, herb roasted potatoes (no sour cream!), and salad with the salad taking most of the plate.
I started using smaller plates this week. I still fill the plate, but don’t actually get as much. We’ll see if that helps. My portions are getting way too big. So, smaller plates and no seconds for awhile should help reign in how much I’m eating.
It’s hard to watch what you eat and eat lightly with young kids. While they can do eat small portions they need snacks. That’s part of the reason for buying the fruit last night. At least my kids like healthy foods rather than junk all the time.
Now today my son is sick. Probably something he picked up at the play place in the gym Saturday. Ugh. Today was supposed to be their quarterly fitness testing and ice skating tomorrow for the homeschool. Not now. Instead he is in bed (well, supposed to be anyway). I hope I don’t get it, but think I may be.
So you can see it’s just a compilation of minor problems that have added up tonight. Ugh, now I’m coughing. I hate being sick and that’s probably the root of my blahs. I did manage to clean the kitchen and do the dishes (still in the bath tub though) so I won’t have to worry about them for a few days if I get really sick.
Now I’m going to fix myself some tea and read for awhile. Then after dinner has digested I may do 2o minutes exercise. I really need to get off my butt and just do something.
We all know that colon waste is main reason of diseases in human beings. The main reason behind gases, constipation and many more is colon waste. This creates a big problem for human.
Do you know there are so many chemicals need to process food. We eat food which contains lot of chemicals. This make our colon congested. After this your body is unable to absorb vitamins and minerals properly Colon Cleanse is used for remove these harmful toxins from your body.
Adding fiber to your diet allows you to cleanse the colon walls and flush out nasty toxins .In colon cleanse procedure the waste material leaves our body. If you want relief from constipation and gas problem then you must go for colon cleanse. Also it helps you to lose your weight. Many of us use supplements for weight loss. But Colon Cleanse supplement helps you to faster weight loss and at the same time you get rid from various diseases like constipation, gases problem.
But be aware if you start Colon Cleansing you must take certain amendments to your diet. Along with colon cleansing you must take sufficient amount of drinking water.
Colon cleanse helps you to keep fit and healthy. You can get colon cleanse product from these sites. If you want to get risk free trial you must visit our site. The trial period vary from 7-15days.
So here are the benefits of colon cleanse:-
Lose weight without dieting
Increase your energy level
Remove your stomach fat.
Eliminate harmful toxins from our body
I find it is too cold / wet / dark to go out for a run. Or even out to my gym to work out. Granted, I know that once I actually started to work out, I would warm up but there is a huge disconnect.
In the mean time, even though food is pretty good, calories in check, fruits, veggies, only occasional trip and fall off the deep end into a vat of chocolate pudding or some sort. The weight and therefore the butt are creeping back up.
So that is the desire anyway. Reality is I don’t have the money and or time. I know I know, make time for me first yadda yadda yadda.
I’ll check into Snap and see if there is a special coming up. They have month to month memberships near me and always look pretty empty.
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A huge misconception of dieting, and one of the main reasons most diets are unsustainable, is that you have to eat foods you don’t really like. If you don’t like salads, then don’t eat them! There are lots and lots of delicious healthy foods that you can choose from.
We teach our clients what makes food healthy or unhealthy. Advertisers often claim that their products are “low in fat” or “high in fiber” to make you believe that their junk food is actually healthy.
Then we help our clients figure out which healthy foods they enjoy most, and work out a shopping and cooking plan for 6 meals a day of foods they love. They lose weight without starvation, and then one day every week, they get to pig out on as much of any foods they want… and still lose weight!
We could arrange a plan in which you can eat steak & potatoes or chicken & pasta every day if that’s what you like, and you’ll still lose weight.
We’ll take all of the guesswork, guilt, and fretting about it completely out of the picture for you.
A diet based on foods you don’t like is not one you can stick with. You should eat the things you love, love life and love yourself!
This is the post where you read the first paragraph and last and then leave me a nice little comment, pretending you read every word. As sad as it may be, I’m ok with that.
You could probably tell that I was a bit depressed last week. Now when I say depressed, I mean that I spent the week feeling sorry for myself and wallowing in self-induced patheticness. I don’t mean that I was suffering from depression, despite what the Cymbalta commercial told me.
I didn’t forget to shower for a week or change out of my pajamas. Well, I change by at least noon, but if you drop by earlier in the day, there’s a pretty good chance you will find me in gray, paint-stained yoga pants and a moose sweatshirt, minus its’ front pouchy pocket. It’s just as well the pocket tore off, because I think it was adding unnecessary bulkiness to my mid-section. I’m not sure belly bulk matters when you’re wearing a moose on your chest, but still. In my estimation, wearing yoga pants until noon is NOT a fashion faux pas, since I am always on the verge of spontaneous exercise.
Speaking of exercise, I am the only person who just gained weight on this diet challenge that I am on. I swear on my mother’s once sacred lamp that I do not know how it happened. I’ve been watching every bite that goes through my lips…watching them land right on my hips. I give up! I’m checking into the cost involved with liposuction. Perhaps I can become part of a clinical fat depletion trial and get a discount. Is it possible to donate fat to the needy?
Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Ritchie
I’m confident that I could bring both these young women up to an average weight and still fit into my jeans.
Getting back to my problems…
I’m avidly avoiding the exercise queen, because I don’t want to fess up to the fact that I fell off the wagon; however, I know it’s only a matter of time before she catches me. Unfortunately if she looks for me here, I’ll never be able to talk my way out of these three pounds.
It’s ironic that amidst my gloom, I found solace in the kitchen. I’ve been on a fabulous cooking cycle that has resulted in my freezer filling with containers of various cookies, three pound pancakes guaranteed to keep you full for at least four hours, and a few Mexican flavored meals.
FringePup loves Mexican. Drizzle a little enchilada sauce on a napkin and you’d think I was Julia Child. If only everyone were as easy to please as my pooch, I’d be a star.
I am pleased to tell you that I’ve made it out of the pit of despair, so there’ s no need to send St. John’s Wart in bulk. Besides, there’s no time for sadness this week. I have a cookie contest to win, there’s a town-wide Christmas party Saturday, and my mother is coming for the weekend.
She’s abandoning me for Christmas, so this weekend is her attempt to make up for the fact that her only daughter will spend Christmas without any extended family. How dare she go to Florida to visit my brother and his family? Doesn’t she know they won’t make her do laundry, cook, and help wrap all their presents?? She won’t have any fun.
Well, it seems that I best go do some crunches, or squats, or curls or anything that sounds like it will inflict pain.
Eating my way through life, one rice cake at a time…
Unilever Conducts Nationwide Voluntary Recall of Slim-Fast® Ready-to-Drink Products in Cans Due to Possible Health Risk
“Englewood Cliffs, NJ, December 3, 2009 – Unilever United States, Inc., in cooperation with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is conducting a nationwide voluntary recall of all Slim-Fast® ready-to-drink (RTD) products in cans, due to the possibility of contamination with Bacillus cereus, a micro-organism, which may cause diarrhea and possibly nausea and/or vomiting. The probability of serious adverse health consequences is remote.
The products were sold in stores nationwide.”
This is a voluntary recall of ALL Slim-Fast® canned and read-to-drink products. Every product regardless of flavor, best-by-date, lot number, or point of purchase is being recalled due to possible contamination. Customers have been urged to discard these products and contact the manufacturer for a full refund @ 1-800-896-9479.
Bacillus Cereus food poisoning may produce a rapid onset of nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea – though the duration is usually short lived and poses little risk to normally healthy individuals.
Ironically, the product still lives up to it’s claims. Two cans a day and a healthy dinner and you’re sure to lose weight, probably faster than ever. Maybe they should have kept quiet and ridden this one out?!
(Seriously though, we don’t endorse food poisoning as a way to lose weight.)
If you happened to drink one of these products in the last day or so, no worries – you would certainly know by now if yours was tainted. If you happen to lose the meal replacement lottery though, treat symptoms of food poisoning as you would with all conditions of gastrointestinal distress:
Avoid solid foods until nausea and vomiting have passed
Sip clear liquids (water, non-acidic clear juice or electrolyte replacement drink diluted with water) as tolerated through the entire course of the infection.
When nausea and vomiting have passed, slowly reintroduce mild solid foods. Doctors usually recommend a BRAT diet – bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast – to begin with.
If symptoms have not subsided after several hours, and/or you’re unable to keep liquids down, seek medical attention. You may be at risk of severe dehydration.
All the available weight loss protocols are worthless. Yes, the most effective method of weight reduction is here. Calorie shifting may be the newest method in this field, but it has gained a lot of attention from all walks of people and from people around the world.
Free Weightloss Weight Loss EBook
It is an extremely potent weight loss supplement that helps you acquire that perfect ten-on-ten body youve lone imagined in the dreams. It consists of a powerful blend of 8 potent herbs that rids the body off those unwanted toxins as well as pounds that make you look overweight and over weight. Max Acai Extreme rich in anti-oxidants thoroughly cleanses the body and considerably eliminates bloating and gas troubles in the abdominal region. Whilst colon cleansing can detoxify the body, its significant to understand exactly how it does that.
Indication of Source
100 Days of Weight Loss, Linda Spangle, 2006
Daily Word for Weight Loss, Colleen Zuck, Elaine Meyer, Janie Wright, 2001
Dr. Shapiro’s Picture Perfect Weight Loss Shopper’s Guide, Howard M. Shapiro, 2001
Useful Links Aerobic Exercise and Weight Loss Fatty Weight Loss BlogLoss Weight Loss Help
Unlock the Key to Natural Weight Loss is filed under weight los.
5 great tips for everyone to keep to the weight loss plan during the year-end holidays.
Free Weightloss Weight Loss EBook
As the body metabolizes excess weight during prolonged fasting and rapid weight loss such as crash diets the liver secretes left-over cholesterol into bile, that can cause gallstones.
The body tends to cloak more cholesterol into bile.
American Indians have a genetic predisposition to cloak high levels of cholesterol in bile.
Mexican men and women of all ages have high rates of gallstones.
Drugs that lower cholesterol levels in the blood actually increase the amount of cholesterol secreted into bile.
Symptoms of blocked bile ducts are often called a gallbladder attack because they occur suddenly.
Copious people with gallstones have no symptoms; these gallstones are called silent stones.
They apply not interfere with gallbladder, or pancreas function and apply not need treatment.
Indication of Source
100 Days of Weight Loss, Linda Spangle, 2006
Daily Word for Weight Loss, Colleen Zuck, Elaine Meyer, Janie Wright, 2001
Dr. Shapiro’s Picture Perfect Weight Loss Shopper’s Guide, Howard M. Shapiro, 2001
Useful Links Aerobic Exercise and Weight Loss Fatty Weight Loss BlogLoss Weight Loss Help
What Is The Most significant Factor Of Weight Loss Success is filed under weight los.
Another diet from way back is again making waves in the weight loss community. Dr. A.T.W Simeons’ hCG protocol involves using the actual and/or artificial hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), produced exclusively by pregnant females. The hormone, produced in great amounts, circulates in the bloodstream and is excreted in the urine. Home pregnancy tests detect the presence of hCG to determine wether or not a woman is indeed pregnant.
It was discovered several decades ago that this powerful hormone, in combination with a restricted calorie diet, produced significant weight loss – on average a pound per day – and without the side effects of hunger, irritability, and muscle loss commonly experienced with near starvation.
Magicpills will bring more of this amazing and controversial protocol to light, but for now we’d like you to play the following video…
Article discusses alcohol consumption and fat loss.
Unstoppable Fat Loss
Now a revolutionary lifestyle plan in due course cracks the code for rationalized fat loss. Developed by leading nutrition specialist Jewel Chant, the plan is scientifically designed to help humans outsmart the body’s crude cycles for storing and burning calories. Measurement of body fat work is the key to long-term PE success.
A length can be started by simply holding the lever electrodes and pressing the START button. Omron’s Weight paperwork products help humans monitor progress in achieving a healthier. Whether the goal is to maintain or improve overall health.
Information about weight loss supplements that is notbased on hype or hope.
Indication of Source
Eat to Win for Permanent Fat Loss, Robert Haas, 2001
The Relation Between Metabolism And Fat Loss is filed under fat loss.
My fitness associate, Jon Benson, shared this letter with me and would like to to share it with you.
It’s the spice of life.
Food that is. Or opinions. I guess there is a lot of things that are officially “the spice of life.”
I think spices are the spice of life.
I have a new-found love of spices since hanging around a killer healthy-food chef for the past week.
Wow oh wow… I had no idea.
And hey — I’m helping her put her recipes into to a book that will be out soon.
I’ll send you all a video of this woman doing her thing too in a week or so… prepare to be blown away.
Back to spices:
Not only can spices save an otherwise boring healthy meal…. turns to find out spices can help you burn more bodyfat.
The January 2006 issue of The Journal of Physiology and Behavior cited numerous studies on several spices that increased thermogenesis in the body.
Thermogenesis is simply heat — and since a calorie is a unit of heat, guess what?
More thermogenesis = more calories burned
Less bodyfat.
Pretty cool stuff this thermogenesis.
In fact thermogenesis is the foundation of my upcoming handbook “The Radical Fatloss Blueprint.” Out in late February.
I’m giving this book away for freee for 21 days to anyone who owns a copy of “The Every Other Day Diet.”
The book comes out in late February… and it is… well, radical.
Up to 21 pounds in 21 days.
But you can only do it for 21 days. Fair deal, right?
If you want the book for freee, make sure you have “Every Other Day Diet” so I can send it to you the last week of February.
Get EODD here – <— more thermogenesis, less bodyfat
For now, here’s the spices that work the best to help you burn bodyfat:
1. Capsaicin, the compound gives red chili pepper its heat, increased energy via heat expenditure by up to 23% after ingesting it at breakfast.
2. Black Pepper increases body heat (thermogenesis) by bonding to TRPV1 receptors in the brain.
3. Turmeric has both anti-cancer and pro-thermogenic support. Best of two worlds if you ask me.
Combine these three spices: Red chili pepper, black pepper and turmeric, and use them liberally (as you can handle them) on your lunch and dinner meals.
Just be careful not to overdo the spices, otherwise you’ll end up with more heartburn than fatburn.
I’ll be including FAR more powerful ways to burn bodyfat radically in “The Radical Fatloss Blueprint” — and you can get your copy free the last week of February if you own Every Other Day Diet.
Get it here – <— more thermogenesis, less bodyfat