Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I Have to Try Harder . . . to workout!

Hello, Everyone

Ugh . . . today, I wasn’t able to stay on schedule. I woke up late and didn’t workout until 7pm. In the evening I get really lazy, I always need to get my workout done in the morning.  Since it was late I did no toning L. Hopefully, tomorrow I can stick to the plan.  I was able to stick to a proper diet, yeah! I’m also proud that I was at least able to do more than an hour of cardio.

Around 7pm I was on the treadmill for an hour, burned 300 calories walking. It usually takes me a week to begin a run/walk program on the treadmill.  To burn more fat it’s better to run & walk on the treadmill making the workout unpredictable. When you do a mixture of running and walking it tricks the body. I always watch tv while on the treadmill, it’s more entertaining. Later on, I used an exercise dvd.

Leslie Sansone 30 minute Walk is one of my favorite dvd’s because it’s strictly cardio. There is no toning involved like other exercise dvds.  It’s difficult to set up your on workout when the exercise dvds incorporate toning in the exercise. The problem is exercise videos target only a few specific muscles, like it could work on tricep & biceps but not shoulders and chest. The 30 Minute walk is a great alternative to using a cardio machine or taking a aerobic class at the gym. When I first borrowed her dvd, I thought it would be a waste of time, but you really do get a good workout. Whats great about this dvd is the 30 mins pass by so fast, you don’t even notice you did 2 miles. Sansone’s workout videos don’t have the typical perfect looking models; there average looking people with different body types. I own at least 5 of her dvds.  As weeks pass, I will use her “more advance” videos,

This is the schedule I would like to follow

“Losing Weight Schedule”

Eating schedule: 7am(breakfast), 10am(snack), 1pm(lunch), 4pm(snack), and 7(dinner).

Workout schedule:

6:30-7: treadmill

8:30-9: treadmill (treadmill workout must be no less than 300 calories)

9:30-10: Cardio dvd

10:30-?: Toning with resistance bands, dumbbells, exercise ball etc.

Mon/Wed/Fri: Lower body

Tues/Thurs/Sat: Upper body (includes back, sides, etc.)

I’m still researching on whether it’s healthy to do ab work everyday since muscles need at least a days rest. If anyone knows anything let me know.

Till tomorrow

“Yes, we love peace, but we are not willing to take wounds for it as we are for war”-John Andrew Holmes

[Via http://luisamariavergara.wordpress.com]

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