Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Why our counseling actually works...

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A huge misconception of dieting, and one of the main reasons most diets are unsustainable, is that you have to eat foods you don’t really like. If you don’t like salads, then don’t eat them! There are lots and lots of delicious healthy foods that you can choose from.

We teach our clients what makes food healthy or unhealthy. Advertisers often claim that their products are “low in fat” or “high in fiber” to make you believe that their junk food is actually healthy.

Then we help our clients figure out which healthy foods they enjoy most, and work out a shopping and cooking plan for 6 meals a day of foods they love. They lose weight without starvation, and then one day every week, they get to pig out on as much of any foods they want… and still lose weight!

We could arrange a plan in which you can eat steak & potatoes or chicken & pasta every day if that’s what you like, and you’ll still lose weight.

We’ll take all of the guesswork, guilt, and fretting about it completely out of the picture for you.

A diet based on foods you don’t like is not one you can stick with. You should eat the things you love, love life and love yourself!

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[Via http://eclipsebms.wordpress.com]

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