Thursday, December 31, 2009

Don’t spend your hard earned money on poor quality food!

Recently I blogged that food advertising is such a science that the average customer has no chance of being able to stop eating high sugar, high fat foods.

Whether you are watching television or walking in a mall, companies are able to get you to salivate for their food. They persuade you to spend good money on food you do not really need. If it ends up making you sick, it will cost you more in healthcare dollars.

It amazes me when I see overweight adults and children waiting in line to give their money and health away for a bag of fried, high fat, low nutrient, poor quality food. Most people in our society are in a trance brought on by millions of television commercials and other forms of advertising where we can’t say “no”. What chance does a mother have to say no to that burger and fries when her kids have seen a scientifically put- together commercial to get them to purchase this food?

There is no easy solution except other companies need to come up with healthy foods and advertise just as much and educate the public. Over time, if enough companies began to produce food that is made with good fats, low sugar, more fiber and more nutrients, maybe the public will shift their focus and start waking up from this nightmare that overweight and obesity has unleashed on us and our children.

Ultimately the change will have to come from the public; they have to decide if they want to be a healthy weight or a sick weight. If they keep spending their hard earned money on poor quality food, these companies will keep making them. If the public begins to be more demanding and buy less food, these companies will not have so much money to advertise. They are using our own money to sell us unhealthy food. We are paying for our own demise.

Dr. Sass

Sasson Moulavi, M.D., LMCC, ABBM

Medical Director

Smart For Life Cookie Diet

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