Monday, March 30, 2009

ChaLean Extreme Workout

So since my television is broken, I have decided that even though I can’t  do the Chalean Extreme workout right now, I can at least tell everyone one what the ChaLean Extreme workout is supposed to do.  Let’s first just go over the basics.  ChaLean Extreme is a 90 day workout, but you have the option of going 120 days. There are three main phases, the first phase is the Burn phase.  In this phase you will lift weights so you can speed up your metabolism and break down any fat reserves.  There are upper body and lower body workouts and most the time your are working them out at the same time.  The second phase is called the Push Phase.  There are different workouts and still weight lifting, but this time with heavier weights.  Where in the burn phase you do a weight where you can get 10-12 reps, in the Push phase you use weights where you can only do 6-8 reps.  It gets tougher, but you are still gaining muscle to burn away that fat.  The third phase is called the Lean Phase.  This is where you will really start to see the results, all that weight lifting and work you did in the first two months, lead you up to this point.  You will do new workouts and exercises that will help melt those fat reserves right off your body.  After this phase you can be done, but there is also another phase that you can chose to do called the Lean for life phase, it is an extra thirty days for anybody who really wants to push themselves.  It is there as an option, so you can make the decision after the 90 days is over.

The great part about the Chalean Extreme workout and even the P90x workout, is that they both focus on beating the workout plateau.  The workout Plateau is when a person stops seeing results from their workout routine, your muscles adapt to your routine and even though you might be working harder, you still do not see results.  But Chalean extreme addresses the problem, by continually switching up the routine every 30 days.  The Chalean Extreme program also comes with a fitness guide and a nutrition guide, because eating is a huge part of the workout if you are going to see results or not.  There are recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and I am pretty sure there are some recipes for snacks.  Chalean Extreme comes with a sculpting band and a body fat monitor, and if you get the deluxe version it comes with weighted gloves.

All this to say, the main goal is to build muscle so you can burn fat.  Do not worry about bulking up though, because this program is designed for building lean muscle, not huge bulky muscles.  The Chalean extreme program has a lot to live up to, because it says you can burn up to 60% of your body fat in three months….I guess they are right no matter what, because it do not promise 60% fat loss, but “up to” 60%.  Anyways I am sure that if someone really took it seriously and did it by the book, then they can see great results from it and that is what I am going to try to do.  My challenge is to see if this thing actually does work, so I will be sticking to a diet of my own and pushing myself to muscle failure.  Let’s see how it goes.

You can check out all my progress on my new site, just click this link to go there….Chalean Extreme Review. This also has all of my P90x reviews on it, so you can also check those out if you want.

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