Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I am sick of daylight savings

Sheesh, it is 7:12am as I write and it is STILL dark out there. Who the hell is the genuis who decided our state would have extended daylight savings time????????? Some smart arse politician  who no doubt does not have to go out and deliver junk mail at 6 am, that is for sure.

To add insult to injury, it poured rain the whole time I walked. Now, that is GOOD, because we need rain very badly, due to the never ending drought, BUT, damn, I wish it had held off for 48 minutes while I got the rest of the delivery finished.

I am in a bad head space, again. I do not feel well, still and I am getting sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and now I am soaking wet as well.

Hehehehehe, I aint in a good mood, am I? lol lol

Hopefully my mood will improve as the day goes on…. ;0)

While I am busy complaining, I may as well mention my glasses broke on Sunday.  Not my reading glasses (thank you God) but my distance glasses which I need to do everything else besides read.  You know, stuff like drive the car and walk around without tripping over.

I needed a new prescription anyway because my sight has deteriorated in the past year, so, I made an appointment at a local Optical place so I can get my eyes tested and get new glasses (this time I will get multi focals, so I am not constantly having to  change glasses) and I could not get an appointment until April 1st (a week from now) and then I guess I will have to wait a week or two after that, until my new glasses are ready.  So it is gonna be a long couple of weeks wait for me.  I am grateful it was my distance glasses that broke though, because I wear my reading glasses constantly so I can do my card making and cross stitching.  If I was unable to do that, well, that would really bother me.

As it is, I am mildly bothered that my distance glasses are broken, but, truly grateful I can still read and do close work.

Ok, enough ranting………….  I need to drop my contracts off at my bosses house, so, I better get  moving…..

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