Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 2: Dieting and Mental Energy

Down 2lbs as of this morning. Will weigh myself again on Sunday.

No matter what anyone says, ANY sort of dieting or “lifestyle change” as (those who are on a diet but want to sound cute would say) requires energy. Not just the physical energy you will need to exercise. In fact I would say that may be the easiest part. I mean the energy it takes to wake up every day and decide that you will do what it takes stick to whatever it is you’re doing. And that’s just the energy you need in the morning.

Then you have the energy you need throughout the day. When you’re fantasizing about what you would look like when you’re at your goal. When you’re ignoring the fact that you smell somebody’s wonderful lunch and you wish like hell you could have it. When you’re fantasizing about foods you didn’t even eat when you weren’t on a diet. When you’re reminding yourself nearly every 10 minutes that you have a plan that you need to stick to. When you weigh yourself after 7 days and see drastically different resuls than what you imagined and you’re discouraged but you keep going anyway. ALL of that takes energy. ALL of it. And you’re exhausted at the end of the day. Tired because this is all going on in your head on top of all of the other shit you have to deal with; work, school, family, friends, life…..

Day 2. So far so good. Have to pee a lot. Not fun.

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