Yesterday I had a 2 hour period of what seemed like creative lucid dreaming. I was aware of the synergy of everything coming together in my life, to create endless opportunities.
The other experience i am becoming aware of is a sense of lightness to the body and consciousness that appears to give one the feeling of the consciousness expanding beyond the confines of their physical body. This comes and goes varying degrees of clarity. This usually becomes deeper as one continues to purify and detoxify their body. When doing longer fasts one can tell that this would culminate in a sense of weightlessness. This experience was related by Theresa Mitchell in My Road to Health and Happiness. She relates after many months of cleansing she relates the following story. She was walking home from work one day and composing a poem in her mind, when she realised that she had just ascended a 40 degree hill and was hardly breathing! This would be analogous to the nadis being purified. When the nadis become purified one can hold the breath for extremely long periods with little strain. That’s about it for today.
Dr. George
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