Have you ever experienced an OMG moment? I bet you have. Mine hit me a month ago in early August 2009 as I got off my bathroom electronic scale. I’m 46 now, but in October, I’ll be 47. Do you realize how close that is to 50! I KNOW…, and I DID. That was my OMG moment. Time for me to get seriously serious about my excessive pounds.
My name is Amy in Monroe, Michigan and I’m Fat. I’m Obese. Welcome to my straight talking blog. Long term Goal: Lose excessive weight in small increments and become healthier in the process. First Short Term Goal: Lose 15.2 lbs by 12/31/2009.
What to do, what to do. Spending hundreds of dollars on a local gym membership is not a option at this time. That, and I don’t like people watching me. I can speak in front of a huge crowd, but not workout in front of a few people. Go figure. lol Another choice is buying those pre-made, pre-packaged weight-loss food programs. Sorry, Jenny, but that choice is not for me, either. So I got to thinking, what CAN I do? What could ANY person do?!!!
I have to eat my own food and make my own ‘exercise’ – that’s what I can do. Something about that word – exercise – just turns me off. I want to stay rooted in my chair instead. I started thinking about another term for ‘exercise’ and settled on ’Movement of My Body’. ANY Movement. Yes, it means the same, but it’s the feeling behind the words that is making a difference with me. Since early September, I’ve been working around my house more. I’m Outside and I’m Moving! Cool! I’ve done some landscaping, replaced outdoor light fixtures and mailbox, cleaned half of the garage, watered my plants, etc… In the house, I pulled up the rest of my carpeting exposing gorgeous hardwood floors, scrubbed hard-to-clean windows, more laundry, etc… I’ve kept myself steadily busy. A steady pace works best for me, I’ve found out. I don’t get overwhelmed and STOP.
My next step in ‘movement’ is to go outside every day during lunch time at work. I tied myself, figuratively, to my work desk for years - not good for that ’secretary’ spread. I started this new ‘habit’ on Monday, September 28th. No matter the weather, I will go outside. I’m adding walking one block to my outside movement. A stroll. I want to enjoy myself not break the sound barrier. I can walk one block. One loooong block. Some might think, ‘what’s the big deal with one block?’ I’ll tell you. When you’re really heavy and you’re used to being indoors all the time, sitting, you get comfortable. Really comfortable. One block can feel like a mile. A long, hot, sweaty mile. I’ve been working up to this one block. I can do this now. It feels…comfortable. I love Autumn time. I’m awake now. I will walk one block tomorrow, too.
As for the normal food, I’m working on that one. Proper portions and nutritional value are my guidelines. Anyone seen what a 1/2 cup of anything really looks like lately?? It’s TINY. First, for me, is cutting down all deep-fried goodness. That covers french fries, seafood, chicken nuggets, and mmm, doughnuts. Tim Horton’s was my supplier. lol
I’m not cutting out my chocolate, though! I have to draw the line somewhere. So I bought myself a bag of Tootsie Roll Midges for the office. I have one or two a day. That’s it. I savor it. Enjoy it. And it makes me happy. Happy is very good.
Next step: setting a realistic food choice plan and how to shop for that plan.
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