Sunday, October 11, 2009

I am confused.

I am confused.  This really is about me, not you!  But I will use this topic to address something I think a lot of you out there might feel but might be ashamed to say aloud. Ok back to me.

So why am I confused?  2 weeks ago I spent 7 days with a business colleague, who I will introduce to you later this year, who is launching her product and asked me to contribute.  I love to help people- that it why I am in this business.  Truly.

When I get a testimonial from a client whose life is now BETTER because I have touched it somehow, I automatically get energized to go out and find more people who need help!

I came away from my time with her and felt certain that I was on the right path but not sure what the next step to take was.  Can you relate at all?

Most of you who are entrepreneurs will totally get what I am saying because you can relate to all the ideas and ways in which you want to serve the world. It can get overwhelming.

For all of you who are not in business for yourself, it’s like knowing you have $100 to spend on 1 outfit and your favorite store, the one where all the clothes fit you perfectly, is having a HUGE sale and now you can only choose 1 outfit even though you could “justify” buying more because of the sale status.

I am the kid in the candy store with 10 cents and I want it all.

We’ll get back to my dilemma later but I want to ask you if you are confused.  Are you?  Watch this video I made for you and let me know if you can relate.

I am confused.

I think “not knowing” what to do in the gym or with exercise creates shame in people.

I think because there are so many publications that give you the “how to” experience that people become their own personal trainers hoping that what they do will work.

And for some of you – it has!  Congratulations!  You are not the group of people I am speaking to unless you have also incurred an injury during the time you have hired yourself to be your own personal trainer. If that is the case, you may want to keep reading as well.

Now I am the first to tell you that personal trainers only need to go to a weekend course in order to become a personal trainer.  They do not even need to step foot in the gym to do it either!  They can do it all online.

This should scare you.  Just a little bit.

The only, ONLY incentive to a trainer to ever get more education is if it’s required by their employer or they WANT to learn more.

Anyone can hang a shingle on a door, have a good body and personality and call themselves a trainer.  It happens every day.

In fact,  you may have met many trainers who do not seem very smart to you which makes you believe that this exercise thing must not be that hard-not real scientific.


But today is not about me educating you about what most trainers do not know (and I used to teach them so I can tell you first hand), today is about me telling you ITS OKAY IF YOU ARE CONFUSED about anything having to do with exercise or weight loss.

Now I can’t teach you all that I have learned in my 13 years of personal training but I can start you off with a few simple questions that would help you determine what to do next.

  1. Have you been doing the same exercise routine for more than 6 months?
  2. Would you like more results?
  3. What is your #1 goal and are you 100% committed to it?
  4. If not, what is the #1 reason that stands in your way?
  5. What do you need to overcome this obstacle?

Once you answer those questions honestly, you can choose 1 thing to focus on that will shift your body in a positive direction towards the results you want.

I hope that helps.  Now back to me.

I have a MILLION ideas, I am not kidding, of how I can serve people in feeling gorgeous and confident in a bathing suit without starving or killing themselves in the gym. And it’s my turn to focus.

If you have some inspired ideas or I have touched your life in someway that you feels others would greatly benefit from- I ‘d love to hear it!!

I am not ashamed of asking for help.  I just spent 5 FULL days of being coached and learning about how to shift and grow my business so I can fully live my mission.  It’s scary, I am vulnerable but I need help too.

So I hope that you are also in the place of knowing that asking for help when it comes to weight loss and exercise is a powerful commitment to yourself that you want the best body and health you can have.

You can reach me at 800 571 5722 x 84 or email at

We also have a 6 Week Beach Body free call coming up so register at http://www.6weekbeachbody.comI am

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