Okay so I’ve decided that the best thing for me on this whole weight loss thing is to join in on the Mamavation Campaign! Want to know all the details about it? Go to www.mamavation.com and check it out!
So you can help me now by tweeting out to Leah @bookieboo on Twitter something similar to the following:
@bookieboo Please pick @ro23ro to be one of the two #mamavation moms!
Please please please help me be one of the mamavation moms!!
Short Description-
Mamavation is a social experiment and weight loss campaign on twitter. Mamavation, like motivation, is an opportunity for moms to change their lives together. In hopes that they will create a healthy lifestyle for their families.
Although the program is about support, there are two moms, Mamavation Moms, that are put through the ringer. They are given a professional fitness plan and diet plan created by a doctor. They are also given access to coaching and lifestyle direction support. The Mamavation Moms are supported across Bookieboo and Twitter by a Cheerleading Squad comprised of moms, and get perks, such as Earth Footwear, Tracey Mallett DVDs, Tae Bo DVDs, and various other products.
It’s an awesome opportunity and I REALLY want to win this darn thing! I would LOVE it! The ladies are great and I’ve already met so many wonderful new people who are now friends!
Watch my video application for the mamavation campaign! I hope and pray that I am one of the chosen. There will be TWO this time! I really need this…I know this will work for me I’ve seen the support these ladies offer in each others goals!
Thank you so much for your support and please follow along with my journey as I become a healthier me!
Voting begins on October 15th – 22nd! You can vote daily! So please vote and pass the information on to friends and family. Ask them to vote for me as well! THANK YOU!
-Applications will be accepted from Oct. 1-14
-Five finalists will be announced on Oct. 15
-Voting for the top 2 Mamavation Moms will go from Oct. 15-22
-The winners will be announced during twitter party on Oct. 22 from 5-8pm PST/8-11 EST
-Campaign starts on Oct. 23rd
-Mamavation campaign goes from Oct. 23 to December 9th
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