Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Benefits of the Master Cleanse Lemonade Detox Diet

The master cleanse diet, a specialized type of “fasting” detox diet, was originally developed and perfected by Stanely Burroughs.  The intent of the diet is to aid the body in complete detoxification and relieve the body of environmental stressors which can, over time, cause the body harm, malfunction and disease.  The master cleanse lemonade diet aka the master cleanser, lemon cleanse, lemonade diet or just simply master cleanse diet, is comprised of drinking a mixture of water, fresh squeezed lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper.  Although this may not sound like the most appetizing drink concoction, many find it to be quite refreshing.  Every ingredient within the master cleanse is created to serve a specific purpose.

The master cleanse lemonade diet has been the object of much discussion in celebrity magazines, health forums and many other publications accross the world.  It has been in the target of skepticism and has been argued whether or not the diet has any true benefits or simply just snake oil.  The master cleanse diet, however, has been completed by thousands of people and a very large percentage of those believe it works to improve their health and well being in many different ways.  It is ultimately up to you to decide whether the claims of the master cleanse diet are a scam or completely legit, as well as it is your decision whether or not to complete the master cleanse diet.  One thing is for certain though, if you do decide to go through the master cleanse diet, make sure to do it exactly to a “T” and do not waiver from what the diet calls for.  Just like any diet, it is important to follow it exactly as instructed to get the most benefits, lose the most weight, detoxify properly and to avoid any harmful or negative side-effects.  If anything is worth doing, its worth doing right, right?

Below are the commonly described benefits of the Master Cleanse Diet:

1.  Significant weight loss – Many have described losing large amounts of weight and getting extremely lean.  Many lose between 10-40 lbs. in a very short duration of time.  Although weightloss isn’t the main focus of the detox cleanse, it is definitely a perk of it.

2.  Total body detoxification – The primary goal of the master cleanse diet is to detoxify the body of years and years of pent up waste that the body wouldn’t normally be able to be rid of.  The idea behind this is that our bodies were never meant to be accustomed to the everyday pollutants that we are constantly subjected to.  From food additives, preservatives, hormone treatments, artifical flavors and colors, environmental pollutants combined with the bodily stress of the everyday 9-5 lifestyle, it is believed that we can no longer detoxify properly when living in this type of environment.  The master cleanse lemonade diet is designed to give your body a break and thoroughly flush the body including harmful heavy metals that stick to the inner lining of the colon and intestines.  These toxins, over time can cause allergies, disease, cancer, chronic fatigue and other chronic disorders that we may not even realize we have… because we have had to live with it for so long.

3.  Hormone regulation – Many people experience hormone regulation.  Many of the foods we eat contain large amounts of hormones which can lead to a multitude of problems from unusual facial hair growth in women, lowered libido, and even pregnancy problems.  Hormones greatly affect the way to function and how our organs work.  The master cleanse is believed to cleanse the body of these excess hormones and allow our body to produce the right amounts on its own.

4.  More energy – Many people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrowm (CFS) have used the master cleanse diet to help energize and revitalize their bodies.

5.  Allergy identification – When the body is no longer introduced to the foods that cause an allergic reaction, we are then able to slowly introduce foods and know whether or not they produce an allergic reaction.  After the detox cleanse is over, your body will be as pure as it has ever been and you will be extremely sensitive to what it needs and definitely to what it doesn’t need.  This can help you adjust your diet to eat only foods that are right for your body system.

6.  Mental clarity – Going through the master cleanse, many people find that they can think clearer.  In addition, they may regain some lost will power that they didn’t realize they could even have.  For thousands of years, people have used fasting as a way to spiritual enlightenment and mental clarity, the master cleanse could provide some of these benefits.

7.  Ability to further fight addictions – From food addictions, tabacco, alcohol and drug addictions.  The master cleanse is believed to aid in detoxifying the body, calming the system, creating willpower and aid in the proccess of fighting addiction.  In fact, many people do not realize that they eat simply because they are bored.  Plus, many also do not realize that they crave foods that are bad for them simply because they are addicted to what is inside the food. 

The benefits described below are those that people who have undergone the master cleanse lemonade diet have claimed.  Every individuals experience is a little different from the next.  It is ultimately up to you to decide the legitimacy of these claims and whether or not the master cleanse diet is appropriate for your health needs.  Again, I would like to make a point of how important it is to complete the cleanse properly.  At the bottom of this article are links to resources that can help you get the guided information that you need to complete the cleanse correctly, while gaining the most benefits and minimizing any negative side-effects you may have.

For more information on the Master Cleanse Lemonade Detox Diet, visit

Alternately to learn more about Master Cleanse Weight Loss, please visit

You can learn more about the Master Cleanse Diet Benefits, please visit

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