Disclaimer: I am not against those who choose to diet and change their bodies, its their perogative. I myself firmly believe that diets don’t work and yo-yo dieting puts a lot of stress on the body and creates major problems. I believe that people should love themselves for who they are and practice healthy lifestyle choices that work for them. I myself practice Health At Every Size which involves phsyical activity for enjoyment and following your bodys natural cues when it comes to eating. I am against TBL because of the perception they give of “good fatties” and “bad fatties” and don’t feel that their methods are healthy or maintainable. As always If you don’t like it don’t read it.
So I will admit I watch The Biggest Loser, I have for the last 3 seasons. Now before you slap me with the fat acceptance stick I do have to tell you that even though I watch the show I absolutely DO NOT agree with it. Its kind of like a car wreck for me, I can’t look away. It could be because I like seeing fat people like myself on TV. So I’m a big jackass who feeds into the hype and adds to its ratings…Don’t Judge Me! One of my biggest reasons for watching is Jillian Michaels, first off there is no way shes not a lesbian, secondly shes pretty hot and i kinda get excited watching her be agressive and yell at people, now if it wasn’t about weight loss she would be like porn for me lol. Anyways I watch it and during the entire show every week I talk through the whole thing, spouting off about how over exercised they are and how they need to get some fucking confidence and how I read that they completely dehydrate the contestants (serisouly they are always carrying around water but do you ever see them actually drink it?) and that much weight loss in that short of time has to be unhealthy, and if they really fine the contestants anywhere from 10,000 to 1 million dollars for breaking confidentiality they must be doing some seriously shady shit. So yeah its part of a venting process for me, just like More To Love was last Spring. So anyways now that my dirty little secret is out in the open I will be reviewing the episodes every week this season and will be posting regarding whatever pissed me off. Aren’t you excited?
So Tuesday’s episode, which was the Season 8 Premier for those aren’t informed, is a great place to start. It was the typical time to get serious, change your life, and save your life crap that it always is. We got to know the new contestants, all 22 of them. This season is Biggest Loser Couples so they are husband and wife, father daugther, cousin, mom and son, etc teams. The first episode is always the one with the most tears, the most low confidence confessions and the most vomitting and this episode didn’t dissapoint. Something that I noticed about (how could I miss it, they kept pointing it out) this season is the contestants are the heaviest they have ever had, the sickest they’ve ever had and overall it was kinda scary for me. I really feel that while The Biggest Loser started out with people who were around 250-350lbs and capable of being put though that immediate strenuous exercise and what not, now with contestant like Michael who weighed in at 527lbs (the biggest contestant they ever had) and twin John and James totally together damn near 1000lbs it is possible that somebody could end up dead.
So as we are meeting the contestants they are also informing us that this year instead of having their inital weigh-in at the Biggest Loser Ranch they will be changing things up a bit and th contestants will be weighing in at home in front of all of their family and friends (wow way to kill any self esteem these self haters have left.) So the contestants all weigh in and cry, and their friends and family cry, and they blubber on about how they wont let them down and are going to lose the weight and get their lives back and yadda yadda yadda, then they are off to the Ranch where they meet up with host Ally and immediately are thrown into their first challenge which is biking (stationary) 26.4 miles per team. This isnt a horrific amount of biking but for a 500lb person who hasn’t exercised in 20 years it seems a bit extreme to me. Even worse not only do the contestants have to complete this task they have to do it in a race fashion. This really pisses me off, I mean they are taking on a huge undertaking for them and to make it competitive from the get go like this (the last 2 teams to finish will be sent home) irks me. So they take off and the Green team mother and daughter Miggy and Migdalia totally kick ass with Cousin team in grey Sam and Kolli right behind them. Both of these teams stick out to me as big competitors this year with Sam and Kolli being big guys with big hearts and a definite likeablity and Miggy and Migdalia seeming like the team to beat. They seem like tough chicks who will bust their asses to win and could potentionally be our bitches this season (i love the bitchy ones!). Anyhoo Blue team mother and daughter Cherita and Victoria come in last after Cherita begins suffering from major stomach cramping and is told to throw in the towel by good old Dr. H, Yellow team father and daughter team Sunshine and O’Neal come in second to last an are also sent home. It is a sad moment because they seem so discouraged and I’m sitting there yelling at the TV because they have to go home with no weight loss after having to weigh infront of everyone they know when trainers Jillian and Bob stop the leaving limos to tell them they have to work at home and can come back in 30 days to face off against eachother to regain entry to the Ranch. Thats better.
After the bike race they meet the trainers and the rest of the hour is spent showing them in workout, learning about purifying water (enter here product placement and marketing) and about inputting calories into body bugs. This is also where my girl Jillian gets her bitch on and makes all the contestants puke and cry and scream and all that lovely stuff. This is also where the contestants go back to the house and do some emotional sharing to get to know eachother. This is where things really got heated for me. Keep in mind the post I wrote Tuesday. A lot of the contestants shared that they had never been on a date, kissed anyone, fallen in love and so on. They cried and said that they know no one could ever love them they way they look and that they are hoping to be able to find someone to love after losing the weight. ARRRRRRRRHHGGGGG!!!!! Like I said before FAT PEOPLE DATE, GET MARRIED, HAVE SEX just like everyone else! Obviously I’m right since a few of these couples are husband and wife teams! The people who are blaming there lack luster love lifes on their size are being ridiculous and are using the rumor that fat people dont date as a crutch and that pisses me off. The real reason these people probably have never had relationships or whatever it is they are missing is because they havent had confidence or self worth, or enough gung ho to go after what they are missing. Stop blaming it on your weight! If apparently weight loss = automatic bliss, can’t wait until they do drop the weight and realize ust because they have a new saggy skinned body that doesnt mean that all their old personality problems go away.
So after the tears and of course the infamous Last Chance Workout where they get their asses handed to them by the trainers its time for the first week weigh-in. Miggy and Migdalia have immunity from winning the biking challenge but everyone else is on the chopping block with the team that falls below the yellow line as far as percentage of weight lost having to send one of their members home. Each team takes turns weighing in dropping huge numbers, some contestants losing 30lbs in a week (yeah this seems fucked up and extreme to me too). The bottom team ends up being Twins John and James, which I kinda saw coming since James was bitching about a knee injury he had that prevents him from doing alot of the cardio in the gym. So the remaining contestants must now vote who to save and who to send home between John and James. Both brothers try to sacrifice themselves for the other. By the way I really can’t stand either of them, they are my lease favorite team and just kinda bug me. After voting is is James who is sent home due to his injuries preventing him to complete fully and the fact that he is capable of continuing to not work once he goes home. The recap shows James working out at home and having lost over 100lbs already in 2 months time.
Stay tuned for next week where i’m pretty sure we are gonna start seeing some claws come out and find out how the infamous 2nd week (where they end up not losing anything, just like in real life lol) goes.
Also something to think about why do the men get to walk to weigh-ins with shirts on and the girls have to do it in sports bras?
[Via http://mylipstickonhercollar.com]
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