Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year's Resolutions and Homeopathy

Happy New Year! Issue: January 2010

In This Issue Resolutions..Make them? New Fee Schedule

a thought…

We will open the book.   It’s pages are blank.  We are going to put words on them ourselves.

The book is called Opportunity

and its first chapter is New Year’s Day. Edith Lovejoy Pierce

Quick Links Visit Website About Homeopathy Colds and Flus Location/Fees New Year’s Resolutions…Make them? It’s a new year, and for many it is a time for making resolutions.  We see ads in the media for products to help with issues such as weight loss and smoking cessation.   Many of these products may contribute to the cause, but often don’t address the central issue.  Scientists believe that cravings arise from deficient neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin.  So when resolving to give up white sugar, for example, you are not just dealing with your will-power, but with out-of-balance brain chemistry as well.

Homeopathy always addresses the central issue.  It treats the entire individual, not just a craving, and does it totally naturally.  The homeopathic patient experiences gradual inner balance across all body systems, including the brain.  One of the first indications of a well-chosen homeopathic remedy is a change of mood and energy.  This often seems to translate to a desire to take better care of one’s health; and as a result, the patient begins to eat and exercise to greater effect.   Many homeopathic patients seem to have less of an inner struggle to follow a healthy regime.

So instead of taking that new weight-loss product which overtakes the body’s natural wisdom and possibly causes side effects, try homeopathy.  Your body knows what to do: it just needs a little nudge.

New Fee Schedule

As of February 1, 2010, there will be an increase in fees for initial consultations for new clients (see website for details).  In addition, the minimum remedy cost will be changing from $10 to $12.  For our existing clients, follow-up visit costs are remaining the same.

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Family Homeopathy LLC | 11800 Singletree Lane, Suite 204 | Eden Prairie | MN | 55347

[Via http://sandrahaering.wordpress.com]

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