I love music. I think music has the ability to transport us back into time, and carry us into the future. It can transform a mood from bad to good. Music connects people together.
One of the songs we sang a couple of weeks ago at church was Chris Tomlin’s version of Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXV6H…atch-main-area
I LOVE this song!This is the Chorus: My chains are gone, I’ve been set free. My God my Savior, has ransomed me. And like a flood, His mercy rains, unending love, amazing grace.
As I was singing this, it occurred to me that the “chains” are my own personal love of food. (specifically unhealthy, sugary, fatty foods)
I am profoundly struck by how grateful I have felt over the past 4 weeks at being able to stay on track and how happy I have been to lose 15.5 pounds in the month of December. I think I am going to start approaching this weight loss thing with some more intentional prayer and focus. It is suddenly so obvious to me. First prayer would be that I can stay focused.
I also think that God talks to me all of the time. He uses music, art, nature and other people to speak to us. I just have to quiet myself and listen. I tend to be bombarded with “signs” or “nudges” when I finally realize what it is that I am supposed to be looking for.
One of those nudges was the daily “Storypeople” email that I received a couple of weeks ago.
It reads: “This is a giant block of whatever is most difficult for you to carry & trust me on this, you’ll carry it more times than you can count until you decide that’s exactly what you want to do most & then it won’t weigh a thing anymore.”
My “giant block” is keeping my head in the weight loss game and not eating a lot of crap.
It really is quite simple.
[Via http://createapositivelife.wordpress.com]
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