Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 12, 2010

Yeah.  So much for pride.  Just sayin’.  It’s amazing how humiliating pride and it’s fickleness can be.  I mean, I’ve been in the throes of editing and writing for the past few weeks, struggling a little with my asthma, but for the most part, I’ve been too lazy to write down what I’ve been doing.  Yeah.  Well, I have to.  I am most consistent with accountability in the public humiliation arena.

Tonight I got a wake up call that I wrote about on my Paradoxology blog.  The gist is, I tend to expect to do something just once and then it stay perfect.  Yeah, that’s realistic.  Not to mention, if it did, then I’d be stuck with a flabby body and no housework with which to reduce the flab.

On the success thread, I am officially down to a size eighteen and have dropped 3 underwear sizes.  Just sayin’.  I figure, if I’m going to humiliate myself, I might as well brag about it.  Now, if I can just keep going.  Pound me, people.  Push me.  Tell me to scrub the ceiling with a toothbrush and no ladder.  *collapses on the floor in helpless laughter*

As for today, I scrubbed 3 cabinets.  Yep.  That’s it.  And that’s probably all I’ll do, but if I can, I’ll try the bottom companions after a rest.

Meanwhile, I haven’t drank enough water today, I ate 3 meals, and had Coke.  Yep,  I did.  And it’s good.

Ok, the editing calls.  How come you can’t burn enough calories with cerebral muscles?  These are the questions that keep me from getting stuff done.


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