Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sexy By Summer (Day 23)

Day 23 March 9th,      (Weighing in 5 days)

I was going to exercise today. I even put my exercise clothes on and everything. But my son fell down and bit his tongue and it started bleeding. So I was too stressed out to exercise. Plus it was already like 7:30pm. So I bummed out.

Anyways breakfast was a cup of coffee. I keep questioning myself, “Should I keep drinking coffee?” I mean technically it’s not healthy for you to drink… But it tastes so good so I’m gonna keep giving in to my taste buds. If I don’t lose any weight this time I might consider dropping the coffee. I’ve already started reducing my intake. Yesterday and today I only had 1 glass of coffee. So I’m doing better.

Lunch was breaded chicken patty covered with cheese and a salad. It was so good! I need to stay away from the bread though. I also snacked a couple Honey Nut Clusters (they are so good) maybe about 1/4 cup.

Dinner was hamburger patties with asparagus on the side and a salad. I love this meal! It was delish.

Note to readers: I love getting comments! It’s so encouraging. 


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