Well, here is my first blog on my Curvey Girl sight. I have other blog spaces, but here I hope to air my feelings about my weight and how I use it to hold myself back in this life.
Today is Halloween and my kids have now filled the house with candy. I am now nearing my highest weight ever (again) and it’s time to do something about it. No more excuses. No using my arthritis and prednisone as an excuse. There are too many people out there far worse off than me. I can move, I have all my faculties and the shame I carry is my own.
I have it all. Well, almost. I have good healthy kids, I am in the process of buying a home, all on my own I might add and besides my weight, some would consider me “pretty.” This is a sticky subject for me, as I have been taught you can’t be pretty if you are fat. But my friends tell me I am pretty. I don’t feel pretty. I feel like I do my best to hide under the radar and not attract too much attention to my fatness.
I want to start here. To work on myself, and hopefully get inspiration from others here, maybe I can inspire others and we can hold each other up when needed.
My dream and goal has always been to run a race. Nothing big, not a marathon, just a 5K or something, well this would be a big deal to me. Especially since right now I don’t think I could run to the end of the driveway and back without being completely winded.
I hope I gain some friends here going through the same thing. I hope I find friends who get my self-deprecating humor and can laugh with me. I look forward to meeting you.
Peace to you all,
Curvey Girl
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