This is me right after I got married.
Summer ‘09I have decided to do something rather unlike me. I have complained a lot on my blog about stress, missing my husband, etc. I have also complained to myself how I am not getting enough sleep, eating right, or losing weight. Most military wives want to look phenomenal when their husbands get home, either for R&R or permanently. That was, and is my goal. I started off great but I let stress take over my life and I lost balance between work and me. So, here is what I am going to do. I am going to post my weight loss on my blog until I get to my goal weight of 145 pounds. Currently, I am at 178.5 pounds.
I used to weigh over 250 pounds so the weight above doesn’t seem so bad. I also used to weigh 150 pounds (after I lost my first 100 pounds). I was at my happiest, healthiest, and most confident. I want that back so bad! I have until March when Joey gets back for his R&R. That means I need to lose 33.5 pounds in 4 months. Wow! Putting that in writing seems extremely daunting with the holidays coming up and all, but I started my original journey, several years ago, around Halloween! I made it through the holidays that time and even managed to lose weight.
So keep an eye on my blog and check out my progress. I think pictures are in order, too, so I am attaching the most current one I have since I don’t really like taking them. I could use encouragement and would love to hear your stories of weight loss as well.
I will be updating each Saturday after I weigh in. I will also discuss if my eating/working out/sleeping habits have had any effect on my progress.
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