Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fat. Fat. Fat.

Being overweight is not fun; it never has been, and yet I have always lived my life without too much regard for meeting America’s weight standards.  Now, however, I have cortisol fat that has my midsection looking like an adult male’s life-preserver.  Part of the reason my weight never bothered me too  much is I am well-endowed.  My breasts always took people’s gaze away from my stomach, which has never been flat, and put them a little higher up.  My breasts also were magic: they did a fantastic job of making my bulbous stomach look much flatter.  Boy, not now!  My midsection is now the largest section of my torso and it is impossible to hide.  I have become one of the people whose shirts never quite cover all the belly flab.  All I have to do is move a bit and sure enough there it is; I piece of white flab hanging out.  If cortisol fat really does come from stress I am seriously doomed.  I was born anxious.  My mom she was a nervous wreck during her pregnancy for me because I was her fourth and she really did not want a fourth child at the time.  Is it okay if I blame my mom  for my overly abundant midsection?  In this day and age that would probably be acceptable since everyone seems to blame his/her parents for one thing or another but how will that help my beached whale look?  Really, I have got to do something.  Today my three-year old granddaughter said, “Grandma, you can’t play behind the chair because your belly is too big to fit back there.”  Aren’t I lucky to have such an observant grandchild.  Seriously, I need to do take control of my eating habits and lose weight.  This flab makes it difficult for me to breathe at times and my snoring now matches that of my husband’s.  Can someone tell me how I learn to care enough about myself to make a healthy eating plan work?  I really want to watch that beautiful granddaughter of mine grow up.


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