Thursday, February 18, 2010

P.A.C.E. The 12 Minute Exercise Revolution. A Review.

To say I’m impressed with Dr Al Sears new book would be an understatement.

In this post I want to mention only one point from his book but this one is profound. And may encourage you to look further into his works.

On page 55, he gives a table which I will try a reproduce


ACTIVITY LEVEL      Protein     Carbs         Fat

Resting                                  1-5%            35%              60%

Low intensity                      5-8%           70%              15%

Moderate Intensity          2-5%           40%               55%

High Intensity                     2%                95%                3%

From the table above you would think that resting would be the best way to burn fat. But unfortunately the body is a self correcting system and the obvious answer is not always right.

What happens is;  if you create a debt by using up fat stores,  the body immediately replaces them as it thinks you need them. So sitting on the couch won’t help much.

What we should be looking at is the High Intensity line which shows only 3% fat use and 95 % carb use. What this means is that as we exercise at high intensity for only a minute or two the body is burning carbs for fuel. When we stop the body takes stores from fat and converts them to carbs in case we need them again. So if we constantly train at high intensity for short burts we teach the body to convert fat to fuel.

So we can work with the bodies self correcting mechanism and teach it a new way to operate by how we exercise.

And the beauty of the PACE system is we can all start where we are and progressively build up to only 12 minutes a day.

I have been working hard at keeping my weight in check for many years and I always like to do things in the best possible way. So that’s why I have given away the weight lifting, the 45 minute cardio walks and the  45 minutes out of my days when I can achieve so much more in so much less time.

 In only 12 minutes a day I can do much more to set up the fat burning process that will work for me all day, even up to 2 days, so I  only need to exercise 12 minutes a day 3 or 4 times a week instead of the 270 minutes a week as I do now!

Isn’t it amazing waht a new idea do to improve our lives. So now I have my eating being helped along with BIOS Life SLIM and my exercise program being done correctly. I am on my way to super success in this body of mine.

It is exciting to know that the answers are here and I really believe in them both.


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