Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Key #1 to success in fitness, weight loss, and having the body you want

The first key to getting the body of your dreams or at least a body that isn’t a nightmare is INTENSITY. The biggest waste of time you can do is to just go through the motions with your workouts. Go into the gym and give a half hearted weak sauce effort and you will accomplish absolutely nothing. I don’t care how old or young you are, how out of shape or in shape you are, what medical or injury concerns you have, you need to figure out where your limit or comfort zone ends, and go slightly beyond it. Intensity should be scaled for each individual. Obviously I don’t expect a middle aged or elderly man or woman, or someone with bad knees to workout exactly like a healthy athletic 25 year old, but everyone has that threshold that they can meet and exceed. Figure out what 5th gear is for you, and get in gear and drive fast. Don’t sit their idling in 1st or 2nd gear or you’ll never get anywhere. Watch the video below to see some men and women of different ages and abilities demonstrating the intensity levels that are right for them to improve themselves and reach their goals.

[Via http://definefitnessstudio.wordpress.com]

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