So lately I have been trying to mentally train myself towards healthier eating habits. I’m not morbidly obese (yet,) just a little bit over where I’d like to be, but my main motivation has been the fact that I just feel like complete crap all the time and by all the time I mean every time I eat something completely unhealthy for me.
I was unconscious of such issues in my youth, as I am sure most of you reading this were too, but somehow, all of the sudden, I can feel that grease and that high fructose corn syrup when it enters my body; I can feel that sludge. Sludge, that’s exactly what it is. There isn’t any real reason for it to exist, there is no nutritional value, it just fills up the empty space so your tummy can feel some sense of accomplishment. Now, back in the day, when I was in High School, that greasy goodness that, let’s say, a Wendy’s Double Cheeseburger provided was not only amazing, I was unfazed by it. It was exactly what I wanted.
Sadly, now it seems that my body can no longer handle such madness. Not only would it get completely steamrolled by a Wendy’s Double Cheeseburger, but even a greasy bag of chips knows how to throw a hard punch or two. It just brings me down. Slowly. Takes. Me. Down. And then, on top of that, is the whole High Fructose Corn Syrup thing.
If you don’t know what High Fructose Corn Syrup is you can wikipedia it or something, but to make it short it’s basically sugar-goop on crack. It’s what makes your soda sweet, it’s what makes your fruit juices that are not 100 percent juice still taste like juice and it’s not good for you. It’s just pure sugar. Sugar. Sugar. Sugar. Sugar. You can’t just run on sugar all day, but the problem is (if you didn’t think about it) if it’s in soda and the less than 100 percent fruit drinks than High Fructose Corn Syrup is in EVERYTHING. Just take a minute the next time you’re at your school store or Rite Aid or where you grab snacks, look at the labels; EVEN POWERADE HAS THIS STUFF!! It’s like you can’t escape it. The other problem is that this stuff is high in calories and immediately satisfying, but because there isn’t any nutritional value it leaves you really hungry shortly after you drink it, which means more calories, which is the reason for why America is so damn fat. WE HAVE BEEN INVADED BY HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP!
Now, obviously with a little self-control one can easily refrain from drinking such beverages, but when it’s surrounding our culture from birth to death it might be hard for some to see the harm. I mean, I want to make a change, but I am so used to the stuff that I am having to slowly ween myself off. It’s also obviously linked to some major corporations such as Coke and Pepsi, which sponsor many schools and sports teams and that doesn’t help people from hydrating properly either.
You’re probably wondering why I am ranting and so I am going to get to the final point. Today, starting today, I am going to say no to the High Fructose. I am going to drink water and 100 percent juice and tea, but the corn sap just ain’t worth it anymore. I wish there was a wider variety of options at the college I attend and at most educational institutions. It’s odd that at a place where we are supposed to be getting an education, they allow us to stoop to completely inane ways of taking care of our bodies amidst a health care and obesity crisis in this nation. Hopefully you will join me.
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