Saturday, February 20, 2010

Perfect 10 Challenge Update #6??

  • 1800 calories a day – 90% success on this.  Weekends, if i am lounging around the house, I seem to slack on the tracking but not necessarily on the eating.  Just too lazy to go find my book.  The of course there is the random crazy day, like today, where I was so busy at work all day long that although I was supposed to leave at 6:15, I didn’t leave until 7:30 and at that point I realized 2 things.  1. I was starving, having had lunch at 11 AM and nothing since and 2. I have only had 840 calories for the day and I was NOT going straight home.  In fact, I was 45 minutes late to a seminar on Raw Food. (more on that later, my brain needs to absorb some info).  Ultimately the bigger struggle remains in actually getting all my calories in this week.
  • Exercise daily, yes 7 days a week.  2 days can be really light, like an easy walk.  The focus for this next 10 weeks is the half marathon training.-Half marathon training is going great.  So far, I have not missed a run, although Thursday run did get cut a bit short due to black ice on my route, and while I intended to go back and finish in the evening, it just didn’t happen.(By the way, I managed to run one day this week before work!  Woot!…So not gonna do this every day, but I will support Esquire in his Nashville training and run “with” him one day a week in the morning.  On the other side, 7 days a week is not happening.  Soon though, I am still working on finding a trainer!
  • Burn 600 calories a day from exercise, based on the HRM readouts-  On my scheduled run days, not a problem!  Quite easy, in fact!  Still gotta work up to 7 days!
  • Drink 150 oz of water a day-Doing awful with this, this week. I am lucky if I get 96 oz in.
  • Acknowledge God and His place in my life in some deliberate fashion daily.  i.e pray, praise, worship, testify!- I really like this part of my goals!  It seems to be easier to stay focused on my tasks, when I have this going right!  Woot.  Woot. :-)
  • Log my calories daily- see goal #1

Random facts.  I realized after I posted my update last week that I skipped this random new knowledge of me the prior two weeks so I now owe you 3 previously unknown factoids about me.  So, after consulting my “25 things you don’t know about me” list off Facebook, here they are.

1.  Ironically enough, I was born weighing 4 lbs.  I find it somewhat comical given my size today.  I am certain my mom never thought that her daughter who practically fell out of her cuz she was so small and wanted out into this world so quickly would one day be 300 lbs!

2.  I make really yummy chicken noodle soup.  My friends like me to make it for them when they are sick.  However, I never eat it myself.  When I am sick and want it, I am too sick to make it and I don’t want soup any other time.  Just not a soup eater.

3.  On the same note, when I cook, I don’t know how to cook small.   For example, when I make the above mentioned soup…I might be making soup for one, but it turns out to be enough for a family of 8!  I don’t measure my soup, I just add things until it tastes right and well, it keeps growing.  Plenty of people have been recipients of my soup in mass quantities.  One time I made so much I split it between 3 different sickos and they each got ALOT of soup!  This was the bonus of living in GR near Adam and Aaron.  When I made too much of anything, I could take extras over to them!  HAHA!  Not anymore…now I freeze it and eat it for weeks on end!


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