So I have talked many times about the importance of and trouble with exercising when traveling.
I travel a fair amount usually once or twice a month. When you have a tight program like mine, where I have workouts and meals scheduled every day it can be very disruptive to up and leave your routine. For example, I have cardio Monday morning, and Muay Thai Monday night. Well, if I am traveling, I obviously can’t make class that night, so it becomes more important not to miss morning cardio too.
The cost of missing both workouts is devastating to my nutritional plan and metabolic rate. Also, my muscles get too relaxed and they forget that I have goals in mind for them. When I do finally return to my routine they need time to catch up. This is the equivalent of taking two steps forward and one step back.
Now some may argue that your body can often use a break to recover. The assumption there is that we all over train, and do not give our body’s enough calculated recovery during our normal routines. My rebuttal would be that after 6 months of beating the shit out of myself, and working with a number of professionals including doctors and chiropractor, I now have a sense of what is “enough” for me.
So what I am really getting at today is that over the last six months, I have really struggled with traveling, and keeping to my routine, and not paying a price when I get back. I am the first to admit how hard it is to not eat things that are easy or convenient simply because you are out of your element. You can’t go home and cook, or prepare you meals ahead of time.
With the help of Amy Henry of Venice Nutrition, I have learned to keys to my success. One is to eat something every 3-4 hours. This will help keep my blood sugar stable. ( you can learn more about why that is important on Atlantafatboytv on YOU-Tube, or at The second is how to read a food label and make better choices. Believe it or not, with the right knowledge you can eat food that is made for you AND convenient.
Also, I have realized the importance of making certain declarations. Such as, ” I am going to workout every day I am traveling”. And then realigning and planning around that declaration.
This is the first time in six months, that I have stuck to my plan. But, it is SOOOOOOO worth it! I feel like I have made a huge breakthrough for myself. I am moving toward a truly healthy lifestyle, not just a diet or program. The distinction by the way is that the former is never-ending and the latter has an established time line associated with it.
This week, I have not missed a workout, and I have stuck to my”plan”, meaning I have found ways to be me wherever I am. Live my lifestyle where ever I go.
Can you do the same?
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