Friday, August 21, 2009


We are a nation of Instant-Gradification-ers. We want it now. We want what feels good now. We want what looks good now. And we want it NOW! But the cliques, “good things come to those who wait” and “anything worth having is worth waiting for” are frustratingly true. True and lasting change comes with time and patience. Americans seem to give up too easily when things don’t workout quickly and neatly and then wonder why they’re tired and frustrated. hmmmm?

So here it is..and we’re talking health and fitness here.. You are going to have to change the way you view your health, your muscles, your movement AND most importantly, your nutrition. And in order to do that you are going to have to have different conversations with that inner you. You are going to have to tell him/her, to be quiet, sit down, because you’ve had enough misbehavior and you’re NOT going to put up with it anymore! (Ok. the Mom in me is coming out.) But it’s the truth. The only way to have the fit and healthy you that you’ve always wanted is to STAND UP TO YOU.


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