Friday, September 18, 2009


I’ve been absent.

I’ve been crazy busy.

I’ve been sick.

And I’ve been losing weight apparently!

I haven’t been as diligent with posting on here.  Between work and school both kicking my butt, and my other blog that I write on, this one’s fallen by the wayside. 

I was thrilled to see a couple days ago that I am now at 160 pounds and holding.  Three pounds less than the last time I checked.  One pound away from being in the 150’s again.  Oh how I’d love to see that! 

There are several things that I think have attributed to this weight loss.  First, my period ended.  That always adds some extra poundage.  Second, I really think being on the go and crazy stressed with work and school has boosted my metabolism and possibly kept me from finding time to snack.   But, I also think the stress has caused me to get sick, which sometimes also keeps the pounds off.  I personally thing it’s just a sinus thing, but it’s also keeping from the gym today which I’m not happy about. 

But all in all, I think the main thing that has been helping is I am finally really taking note of what I eat AND the calorie intake.  I’ve been making a huge conscious effort to keep within 1500 calories per day, and working out 4-5 times a week. 

It’s the good old fashioned, tried and true, slow but steady, somewhat difficult way.  But, it works.  Diet and exercise.  Watching your calories and portions.  Being active.  It works and I need to keep it up!

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